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  1. MintyOreo

    How old are you guys?

    I was just thinking that. You probably should have done like 20's to 30's instead of 31-50 :)
  2. MintyOreo

    Does being deaf/hoh make you a bad writer?

    It matters to me, and I care. :hug: Vertigo sucks; I know from experience :( (I have Meniere's disease.) You don't suck at being deaf. Just because you are having a hard time learning ASL doesn't mean that you suck. You are late deaf; no one expects you to pick up ASL in 10 seconds! (And if...
  3. MintyOreo

    How old are you guys?

    I was always taught that it was rude to ask adults their age, too - especially women! I don't have a problem with sharing my age right now, but ask me in 10 years, and I'd probably decline to answer the question :lol:
  4. MintyOreo

    Police: Woman offered sex for cheeseburgers

    And there are a ton of ways to get food without being arrested!
  5. MintyOreo

    How old are you guys?

    I'm 16 :)
  6. MintyOreo

    Don't tell me that deaf people are poor tippers, please....

    What? Oh gosh. The restaurant was probably hoping that you wouldn't notice. It's all about the $$$... Just a question, but was this a chain restaurant, or an individually owned/local restaurant?
  7. MintyOreo

    Does being deaf/hoh make you a bad writer?

    My point is that whether or not English is your first language, it IS possible to be skilled/fluent in English. Which further proves my point that just because a person is deaf/hoh, even if English is not their first language, they can be quite skilled in English. What matters most is how and...
  8. MintyOreo

    Does being deaf/hoh make you a bad writer?

    I'm sorry. I misunderstood your post. I didn't mean anything by it; I was just trying to make a point. :) K, whatever. :roll:
  9. MintyOreo

    Do hearing aid cases only come with new aids?

    Same here! I have a ton of cases for my camera, but I crocheted a case for mine :)
  10. MintyOreo

    My Jeep Wagoneer hard at work....

    That's what I was expecting to see, too! Not a stroller-turned-luggage-carrier. :lol: In any event, the stroller is awesome, and it sure does get the job done right! :)
  11. MintyOreo

    Does being deaf/hoh make you a bad writer?

    This is NOT directed at anyone in particular: My first language was not English; it was German. English is a second language for me. That's why I mentioned about my grammar. If English was my first language, I wouldn't have mentioned about my grammar. I started learning English when I started...
  12. MintyOreo

    Need topic ideas for a poem!

    My English teacher wants me to enter a poetry contest. It is a requirement for the poetry unit in my cyber school's 10th grade English class this semester. I've entered contests before for school, and I have been published in books. I'm not sure if I will enter a poem that I have recently...
  13. MintyOreo

    Does being deaf/hoh make you a bad writer?

    No. I am deaf, and I think that I have pretty good grammar. Then again, proper English was drilled into my head from a very young age. I do read a lot of books to get information, but that is just a part of my personality - not necessarily because I'm deaf. Keep in mind that there are MANY...
  14. MintyOreo

    Deaf people can drive!

    I'm not sure if my state has something like J88 - but I would think that it would. After all, I have seen pictures on the internet of Pennsylvania license plates that have "Hearing Impaired" written on them. But I can't find specific information on driver's licenses having J88 or some other form...
  15. MintyOreo

    Deaf people can drive!

    I think that it would be a good idea - especially for someone like me who is a new driver. (I would probably get so nervous and scared if I was pulled over - not only because I'm being pulled over, but because how am I going to communicate with the police if I am handcuffed?!? If I'm handcuffed...
  16. MintyOreo

    Deaf people can drive!

    Of course. This is something that my mother is worried about. However, I'm happy to say that my vertigo/dizziness problems that are due to Meniere's are currently under control. (Meaning that I don't have attacks more than a few times a month for a few hours at a time, but they aren't nearly as...
  17. MintyOreo

    What to do about my parents?

    Okay, what is your problem? I'm trying to be nice, but I really am offended. Why does everyone keep accusing me of being a faker? I am NOT a faker. I would appreciate it if you would please show me what makes you think that I am faking.
  18. MintyOreo

    "Deaf and Dumb"?

    I live in Pennsylvania. No, I'm not a time traveler. :)
  19. MintyOreo

    "Deaf and Dumb"?

    What is your problem? Not everyone is a faker, you know. I really am bullied and called "that deaf and dumb girl". Honestly, I don't have to explain myself, but I guess that I will. When I was in 7th grade (I'm in 10th grade now), I had unilateral vocal chord paralysis. See this link for more...
  20. MintyOreo

    What to do about my parents?

    Wait, is that the address of Western PA School for the Deaf? That's the school that I want to transfer to next year! (It's exactly 100 miles from my house, accoring to Mapquest, though.) My parents are trying to convince me that going to WPSD will ruin my chances for college. I think that's just...