Search results

  1. MintyOreo

    Picture of your pets

    And... here's one more rabbit picture! This is my rabbit, Hemi. I don't have him anymore. My parents made me give him back to the breeder, because he is blind. He is still my rabbit, but he lives in a different home. He is a Lilac Rex. Yes, he is PURPLE! This picture doesn't show off his...
  2. MintyOreo

    Picture of your pets

    He's so cute! And he rocks the white goatee quite well :)
  3. MintyOreo

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I know what you mean. Today, my brother tried to get me to watch some dumb Youtube video. He put his headphones on me and expected me to listen to a song. Of course, I couldn't. :roll: Some people just don't get it.
  4. MintyOreo

    That's it! I'm done!

    Oh honey... YES!!! Maybe it's coz I'm in high school (Pfft. MAYBE?!?) but at least 95% of guys my age are huge jerks! Yes, I've had this problem. And I've had tons of "sympathy dates", and guys who used me, because of my deafness, to get what they wanted. UGH. I'm not saying that ALL guys are...
  5. MintyOreo

    ASL most widely used language in the United States

    That's what I've always been told - English, Spanish, and ASL are the top 3 most widely used languages in the United States. Though, I've never seen an exact number or anything; just some guesses which vary greatly from one person to another.
  6. MintyOreo

    Need topic ideas for a poem!

    Hmm. Okay... interesting topic choice... I'll give it a shot... This is for you, dereksbicycles! :D (NOTE: This poem is MEANT to be corny and dumb!) An Ode To Turbo Engines Oh, turbo engines, you're so important to our lives Except maybe not to some people's wives Coz with turbo engines...
  7. MintyOreo

    Shocking high school mural

    All I can say is... I don't get what's so bad about the mural. So the guy gets married and has a kid... yeah, what's so offensive about that? Oh wait. This mural is in a public school? Oh, now I get it...
  8. MintyOreo

    How old are you guys?

    My father's birthday is soon, and I asked him how old he was going to be a few days ago. He said "I don't know. After my 21st birthday, I contracted a condition called 'agnesia'. I am not capable of remembering how old I am. But thankfully, there is no cure!" :giggle:
  9. MintyOreo

    15 People who did not know the Titanic was real

    Probably. That, and they were all asleep during history class :giggle: When I was in middle school, we did an entire one month unit on the Titanic, including learning the history of the Titanic, as well as watching the movie. I've been told by some friends who go to other schools that they did...
  10. MintyOreo

    Picture of your pets

    Alright. Let's see if I can get these picture to embed... This is Oreo, my oldest bunny. He's a Californian rabbit. I got him in July of 2009, and he was a young rabbit then, so I guess he's around 3 years old, give or take. This is Cinnamon, my dwarf. He's a Lionhead/Netherland Dwarf...
  11. MintyOreo

    Picture of your pets

    I hope that everything goes well tomorrow. Sending best wishes to you both. :hug:
  12. MintyOreo

    Picture of your pets

    D'aww! He's soooo adorable! I LOVE dogs. Too bad that I can't have one... (Allergic asthma, that's why) Hang on while I find pics of my bunnies :)
  13. MintyOreo

    How old are you guys?

    I'm not sure that I'm the youngest person on the entire forum. I thought that I saw someone who's 15. But I don't know. I guess I'm one of the youngest. :)
  14. MintyOreo

    How old are you guys?

    :birthday: :)
  15. MintyOreo

    Iphone belt buckle cost $300?.. wtf

    An iPhone belt buckle? Wow. Cool, but it makes me think of a gun (or a lightsaber!) holster or something. Like an iPhone holster. You know, for all of your epic iPhone western-themed showdowns! I dont know how to post a direct picture, so here's a link to a picture of what I envisioned. Like...
  16. MintyOreo

    Does being deaf/hoh make you a bad writer?

    No, it's fully possible to have ASL as a first language, then learn English as a second language later. ASL and English are two completely different languages. I'll let someone who's more of an expert than I am answer this fully, but ASL is not just a signed version of English; it's a completely...
  17. MintyOreo

    What did you do today? Part II

    I did school this morning. (Geometry is a unit test on transformations and symmetry, and history was about the Vietnam war) Now I am about to head out to the library. I need to get some books for a project that I'm working on. (For this semester in history class, we can pick a topic that we have...
  18. MintyOreo

    How are you feeling today?....

    At my local library, the late fees are: the adult materials are $0.10 a day, the kids' stuff is $0.05 a day, paperbacks and periodicals are $0.05 a day, and $1.00 a day for the movies. And at the libraries in my area, you can renew books 1 time, but I've gotten the rules stretched a few times...
  19. MintyOreo

    How are you feeling today?....

    $3 a day? Wow. At my local library, I think it's $1 a day for late fees for movies, but it's also $1 a day to check out. "Bestir" - I like that! That's going to be my word of the day today :D