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  1. MintyOreo

    "Deaf and Dumb"?

    Is that directed towards me? If so, what do you mean?
  2. MintyOreo

    What to do about my parents?

    I'm not sure what you are trying to get at, here. FYI, my parents are fully aware of what I say and do, and they have read this thread. In fact, they encouraged me to create this thread, because they won't believe me when I say that I CAN do whatever I set my mind to do.
  3. MintyOreo

    "Deaf and Dumb"?

    I take offense to it, but not because of the origins of the word. I understand the origins of the term "dumb". But, I am sensitive towards the word because I am constantly bullied and harassed, being called the "Deaf and Dumb girl" all the time - but those people who harass me mean the word...
  4. MintyOreo

    What to do about my parents?

    They want me to marry a rich doctor, live next door to them, and be a homemaker who can't drive. Yeah, right. :roll: Meanwhile, I want to go to college and get my Master's degree in Occupational Therapy - specifically, I want to work in a pediatric hospital and/or a rehab hospital. (But...
  5. MintyOreo

    Calling all deaf friends! :)

    Oooh, I LOVE it! Great job! Of course I'll vote for you :)
  6. MintyOreo

    I am a HOH addict

    I'm addicted to yarn. Does that count? I'm being serious, here; I really AM addicted to yarn!
  7. MintyOreo

    What to do about my parents?

    Yeah... my dad is soooo... There are no words to accurately describe my father...
  8. MintyOreo

    What to do about my parents?

    Nah, not 100, but he's in his 50's. He also calls a body aid a "hearing speaker box", and a BTE hearing aid a "banana aid". Apparently, these were the terms that he used when he went to school with a deaf girl in high school and worked with a deaf guy in the 70's. I just couldn't stop :laugh2:
  9. MintyOreo

    "Deaf and Dumb"?

    "Deaf and Dumb"?!? Isn't that really outdated? I mean, who still uses that term? (Besides my father, but he doesn't count.) Yeah, I take offense to that. I'm not dumb - even if I couldn't speak. :mad:
  10. MintyOreo

    Deaf people can drive!

    THANK YOU!!! :ty: This is EXACTLY what I need! :hug: I'm going to show my mother this when I get the chance. Maybe THEN she'll believe that her deaf 16 year old daughter can indeed drive safely on the roads...
  11. MintyOreo

    Charges filed over teen's illegal surgery; teen used the money to buy an iPad

    I just saw this: Charges filed against five who removed teen's kidney 17-year-old sells his kidney for iPad 2 | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News I feel bad for the kid. But, I wouldn't sell MY kidney on the black market to buy an iPad...
  12. MintyOreo

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Oh no! I hope that all is well with the interpreter.
  13. MintyOreo

    How are you feeling today?....

    It's not a good fit for me, either. (As I've been told by a lot of cyber/virtual school students, it's not a good fit. Many students are miserable. There are very good programs out there, but it's not always a good fit for the student.) I'm not exactly sure what you mean by a "legal"...
  14. MintyOreo

    I'm not even sure if this is where this post belongs but....

    Yeah! You go, girl! :) You know that we're here for you :hug: Now, if only I can remember what you just said and apply it to my situation with my parents...
  15. MintyOreo

    How are you feeling today?....

    My teachers are technically available to me through phone and e-mail, too. But, I can't use a phone. I try to e-mail my teachers, and they either tell me to call them instead of e-mail, or they just don't answer my e-mails. And when they DO answer my e-mails, they just tell me to re-read the...
  16. MintyOreo

    What to do about my parents?

    Yeah, to me, it looks like in PA, you need a vision screening & at least 20/40 vision with or without correction (I'm good there, with correction) and a physical from your doctor. But, I looked at the form, and it doesn't say anything about deaf/hoh. Now, I don't know whether you have to mention...