Search results

  1. C

    Otologics carina implant, anyone?

    This device is investigational in the USA and you cannot get one in the USA until the company would gain approval (FDA approval of any device is not guaranteed and the results of any trial is typically not announced until an FDA decision is made). If FDA approval is given, you will be able to...
  2. C

    Cochlear Implants, why you may want to wait.

    The major flaw with the stem cell argument that has been presented is that one patient is not statistically nor clinically valid. How many patients has is been tried on? How many failed? What is the general efficacy of the treatment? What claims of efficacy claims have been approved by the...
  3. C

    Do you think transpositional(high freq---> low freq) HAs will be popular soon?

    Deafdude, I can attempt to answer your question but you won’t like my answers. Hearing instrument manufacturers are in business to make money. It takes significant financial resources to develop sound processing chips and algorithms. The companies want to invest research money where they...
  4. C

    Observation about Audiologists (and other medical professionals)

    I don’t post here often and have no hearing loss. My connection is in the industry that serves the hearing impaired. I will give you a little insight from the “other side”. People in general, have life experience and that is what they know. Although they actually know that other people are...
  5. C

    Static electricity Shocks might affect cochlear implant

    No. They are designed to withstand these types of things. I mean dont make a habit of touching electric fences but all active implantable devices must have levels of electric shock protection that it is likely to see unless contra-indicated. C1
  6. C

    CI and FM systems?

    If you are generally interested in how they work, here is a simple explanation of a "typical CI". The external processor get a signal regardless if from microphones, audiolink type input, etc. That processor changes the signal and send it to a coil in the external process which transmits the...
  7. C

    This woman hears worse in some aspects with CI over HA.

    Its not the dynamic range of the implant that is the issue. It is the dynamic range of the person. The sounds must be compressed to fit into the dynamic range of the person using the device by the implants. I am not sure what compression methods Cochlear Corp is using. However, I believe...
  8. C

    This woman hears worse in some aspects with CI over HA.

    I will try to answer your questions. Q) Howcome when I search the internet, it gives different values for converting? For example it gives a value of 7db SPL at 1000Hz. None of the values are below 7db SPL from what someone tested the audiometer with a db SPL meter. For example at 1000Hz...
  9. C

    Cochlear Implants

    The real lifespan is often greater than what is reported to the regulatory bodies. This means if a company warranties and reports 10 years, it is likely to last at least 50% longer. What is reported is generally tested life of a device. C1
  10. C

    This woman hears worse in some aspects with CI over HA.

    I will say that I am not an audiologist so with that in mind, I don’t know their exact business model. I do know a portion of the hearing industry well. One of the issues with the newer technologies is that audiologists will not refer and will try and fit patients with the inappropriate...
  11. C

    This woman hears worse in some aspects with CI over HA.

    Neither. dBA and dBC are weighted scales to "approxiamte" human hearing perception. An audiogram picks specific points to test your hearing. An audiogram will likely pick 250, 500, 750 (sometimes) 1K 2k, 3k, 4k, and 5k. They are done in dB HL. Converting to dB SPL is frequency dependant...
  12. C

    Cochlear Implants

    The claimed life to regulatory bodies will be 5 to 10 years. C1
  13. C

    This woman hears worse in some aspects with CI over HA.

    Thanks. I have read quite a few posts on this site. I find them interesting. You may be able to tell that I know quite a bit about the technology that is used so if you have technical questions, I will try my best to respond but I cannot respond much to lifestyle questions. However, I...
  14. C

    Cochlear Implants

    Is your question the design life of a CI and then actual expected life? C1
  15. C

    This woman hears worse in some aspects with CI over HA.

    I will try and shed some light on what is going on within the industry. For the most part, audiologists make more money selling you a hearing aid than referring you to have an implant. The margins are much higher on hearing aids. In the case of some implants, audiologists receive no money...
  16. C

    If someone has 70db HL and gets 70db HA gain, does he hear 0db?

    To answer your question simply, no. The reason behind this is sound mapping. For arguements sake lets take a "normal hearing" person with 0db loss from 1Hz to 20kHz. If you present a varied signal to the person that is has sounds across all frequecnies upto 120db you are working with 120db...