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  1. C

    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    You must understand that HA and CI are much different in how they operate. HA have put a lot time/effort/money/research into speech and sound processing. A HA must take sound that you want to hear and noises you dont want to hear and output a signal you want to hear. The output symbol is...
  2. C

    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    Why do you think there should be free "upgrades"? Do you believe if you buy you Oticon HA and 5 years later when sound processing technology is developed that you should get a free "upgrade" to the newest one? When you buy a computer, do you believe two years later when the processor is twice...
  3. C

    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    Your Oticon HA mostly likely has much better sound processing than any CI on the market. C1
  4. C

    Wow! AB's Harmony vs. Cochlear's Nucleus 5!

    This has been an interesting thread. By reading some of the posts, I would agree that there does seem to some bias in Resolutions comments. I believe the bias is covert instead of blatant in-your-face bias. That said, the general advice to look at sources and the quality of the source is...
  5. C

    Anyone able to enjoy music with their cochlear implant?

    You have to understand how CIs work. You take "infinitely variable" (lets keep in mind you likely have a 44-48khz source such as a CD which really means the source is really putting out a sound every 1Hz) sound pressure waves (music) and then doing sound processing on the sounds, and then...
  6. C

    Experiences the 1st week after CI operation?! Help!!

    Ok. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. You likely had a nerved nicked of cut during surgery. When space is tight due to anatomy, surgeons stay away from the facial [muscle] nerve and go closer to the taste nerve. IF damage is caused, they would rather you loose your sense of taste than...
  7. C

    Cochlear Americas Pays $950,000 to Settle Federal Kickback Allegations

    No. I am not responsible nor do I conduct trainings. I have conducted trainings in the past but not like how you would imagine. The one I did were one-on-one with surgeons in hospitals where I went to them. However, I no longer do that. C1
  8. C

    Cochlear Americas Pays $950,000 to Settle Federal Kickback Allegations

    Which city do you pick? If you are at the trainings, you will see that doctors from many places attend the trainings. And, if the training requires a hospital setting, you can rest assured that they do it in a hospital. Do you think it is more cost effective to have a company training rep...
  9. C

    Cochlear Americas Pays $950,000 to Settle Federal Kickback Allegations

    I could ask the same. Have you ever attended one put on by a hearing implant company to show that they are paid vacations? But to be less elusive on my part, yes, I have. C1
  10. C

    Cochlear Americas Pays $950,000 to Settle Federal Kickback Allegations

    I would suggest that anyone that has proof of "kick-backs" for purchase of medical devices in the USA, turn the offenders into the FDA. That is a violation of Federal law. This sort of thing used to happen until the FDA cracked down in early 90s. There are no more free cruises paid by the...
  11. C

    Between the following 3 cochlears...

    A CE mark to sell in Europe is much easier to get than FDA approval. Think 6 months for one and years for the other. C1
  12. C

    Questions about cochlear implants

    Lets just say that the ones that work very well aren't covered by anything at the moment because they are not on the market. If you know where to look, they are a great deal because they are in clinical trials and patients pay nothing. C1
  13. C

    Welcome baaaack!! CI vs HA...

    Look into middle ear implants. They are being developed to bridge the gap between hearing aids and cochlear implants. C1
  14. C

    Hearing Aid complaints

    Deafdrummer. If you have a good audi that knows the background programming, make sure that expansion is off or very minimal for better music listening. Expansion, basically means that you have to cross a certain threshold before the sound is processed. Think of it like this. You can...
  15. C

    Questions about cochlear implants

    If you have residual hearing, check on middle ear implants. They will likely do better. C1
  16. C

    Between the following 3 cochlears...

    OK. Here is reality. All of the devices go through clinical trials in the USA. The devices have data presented to the FDA and if the data is acceptable, then the manufacturer is able to make certain claims. This is for the USA only. If the manufacturer hasn't had the claims substantiated...
  17. C

    Between the following 3 cochlears...

    It doesn't appear that they use them. The electrodes are preformed. C1
  18. C

    Hearing Aid complaints

    From my point of view (and please remember this is only my point of view) the role of the audiologist and HA/CI manufacturers should be that they are trying to help people have a better quality of life by improving communication between people with the products/services they are providing. Yes...
  19. C

    Hearing Aid complaints

    You must understand that most people involved with developing all medical therapies are not afflicted with the issue that they are working on. Yes, there are a few but it an exception rather than the rule. I believe that it is not only you audiologist that can help you (I am talking in a...
  20. C

    Rechargable battery & radiation compare to cellphone

    One of the two big names uses about a 5MHz signal and the other uses about a 50MHz signal. There is one coil implanted with a magnet in the center and another coil in the external piece with a magnet in the center. The magnet is used to both center and hold the headpiece on. If the coils...