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  1. M

    The Trio Game

    :lol: @ everybody! Thanks NorCal. :) ... sorry everyone to keep you all hanging. 1. US folk hero 2. Hunter 3. Television series
  2. M

    Sleight of Hand

    Just a guess on #448 post .... "for goodness' sake"? or "for Pete's sake"?
  3. M

    Sleight of Hand

    (Sorry, this post keeps on popping up here #444 instead of answering Cathe's #448 Post)
  4. M

    OJ Cancels Medication

    Knew about the grapefruit but not the orange and apple juices. Will be careful from now on.
  5. M

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

    Okay, Botti! Thanks! ... now I know why people steer clear from skunks. :)
  6. M

    My aunt Debbie

    Puyo ... so sorry to hear of your Aunt's passing and pray that you and families will have the love and strength to carry on. :hug:
  7. M

    Responsibility for children

    Good idea, Miss D! :) Jillio ... Found the 'Tantrums' ad from YouTube - tPxA74b4FdM
  8. M

    Responsibility for children

    :laugh2: ... The ad was well put together and a real eye-opener! :lol:
  9. M

    Ole & Sven Catalog Shopping

    :laugh2: ... delightful one!
  10. M

    The Trio Game

  11. M

    Small tips and advice for everyone

    A warning about the danger of giving your car keys with your house keys attached to any vehicle servicemen at a garage or maintenance locations, as most of these places also have key cutting machines.
  12. M

    Perhaps the stupidest reason why I got in trouble at work.

    Please type in full letters ... no abbreviations please, thanks. :)
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    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

    ^^ only kidding. :)
  14. M

    How rid of fruit flies!!! ROFL!!

    Well, it seemed to have worked. :lol:
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    Responsibility for children

    I wondered where our TV commercial source came from! it was exactly as described. :laugh2: :laugh2:
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    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

    Goodnight, Seq! Sleep tight. :zzz:
  17. M

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

    Don't think they would have that at Australian zoos. Thanks for describing the smell, Jiro and dhb! :)
  18. M

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

    Can anyone explain what is the smell like?