Search results

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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Kelly's Heroes with Carroll O'Connor who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Alfie with Shelley Winters who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Lean On Me with Morgan Freeman who was in ....
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    Hi, I'm new (it probably shows)

    Hello and :welcome: to AD! Enjoy reading and posting in the threads of interest and do hope you will stay around, too. :)
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Noise with William Hurt who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    True Lies with Jamie Lee Curtis who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    As Good as It Gets with Helen Hunt who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Failure to Launch with Sarah Jessica Parker who was in ....
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    Who likes scented candles?

    I don't like candles, full-stop! whether they're scented or not, as they're dangerous inside the house. My daughter has them in her room and we make sure they're snuffed out before she goes to bed. We do not use them for emergencies as we have a battery-operated LED torch that lasts for 7...
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Space Cowboys with Donald Sutherland who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Steel Magnolias with Tom Skerritt who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    The Scarlet Pimpernel with Anthony Andrews who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    I Dreamed of Africa with Eva Marie Saint who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Die Another Day with Judi Dench who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Tootsie with Jessica Lange who was in ....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Ocean's Twelve with Andy Garcia who was in ....
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    Charity Raffle?

    I read Alex's thread again and I guess you're right. But I like the idea of the winner picking his/her choice of charity.
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    Charity Raffle?

    ^^ I imagine the winner picks the charity of her/his choice.
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    The World’s First Sand Hotel

    Gee, what happens if some freak waves comes along. :dunno:
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Down and Out in Beverly Hills with Nick Nolte who was in ....