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  1. M

    Small tips and advice for everyone

    Yes, true but I was talking about the usual foods like sweets, hot-dogs eaten at carnivals.
  2. M

    Small tips and advice for everyone

  3. M

    J-Boy's chat thread.

    That happened to me when I was 19 and had life-long plans to travel/work in USA but my parents stopped me from going so that's probably why I rebelled and ended up marrying the wrong guy. :(
  4. M

    Small tips and advice for everyone

    When you go into court you are putting yourself in the hands of 12 people that weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty. If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments. Felt markers are not good to use as lipstick.
  5. M

    Small tips and advice for everyone

    :lol: ... clever one!
  6. M

    Small tips and advice for everyone

    Never eat just before going on amusement rides!
  7. M

    Small tips and advice for everyone

    Wise words, Chase! :) Fred Astaire said: "Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you have got to start young". :lol:
  8. M

    The Trio Game

    Adolf Hitler?
  9. M

    You ever get people who tell you not to use sign language?

    :lol: ... Terrific! so that obviously worked! :thumb:
  10. M

    You ever get people who tell you not to use sign language?

    :bowlol: ... Beautifully done by getting your message across and hopefully it got through to him once and for all!
  11. M

    Two-month-old Ivy using sign language

    Oh, that will make life so much easier for the parents, instead of trying to work out what's the matter with the baby ... whether she is hungry, tired, wet, or in pain, etc. :)
  12. M

    Have you thought about this?

    I know we all have fantasies but how about burying your head in the text-books, not in Jay's face.
  13. M

    If Women Controlled the World

    :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: ... that is great, Woka! :thumb:
  14. M

    Another Q' about hearie familys communicate....

    Same scenario with hubby and I. *sigh* My mother has a habit of covering her mouth when she doesn't want me to know what she's saying and I find that jolly rude! It's so obvious what they're doing .... we're not stupid! :pissed:
  15. M

    What color you like for clothes?

    Funny, funny! :lol:
  16. M

    Has this happened to you QQ

  17. M

    Honking to make you hurry!

    ClearSky ... There are a lot of "slow rolling" at stop signs now instead of coming to a complete dead stop. Just ignore those who honks at you to hurry up, as they are the ones who are in the wrong.
  18. M

    Man teaches wife a lesson

    I agree it's not funny ... it could have ended up a disastrous accident. *smh*