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  1. D

    If there were a cure for hearing loss would you take it

    The hearing in my left ear is normal, but I have a high frequency loss in my right ear. I've been diagnosed with Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease. In my case, it consists of episodic attacks of sudden hearing loss, not unlike those that occur in Meniere's Disease. When it comes to speaking and...
  2. D

    To Wear Hearing Aids Or Not To?

    I never really cared about hearing the birds sing. It's a mystery to me why people cherish that so much. The wind is a different story, though. I think I'll miss that a lot. As a background noise, it's kind of nice.
  3. D

    If there were a cure for hearing loss would you take it

    Trust me, no one wants to get rid of deaf people. The vast majority of hearing people don't even think about the deaf; let alone have to "put up" with them. You don't come across deaf people every day. I'm currently thirty eight years old, and it was only this July that I noticed, for the first...
  4. D

    Hello, Everyone.

    That's too bad, 'say. It's unfortunate, but I'll probably be in that same boat, myself. The first time in my life I saw someone using sign language was when I went to the House Clinic. Some times I ask myself why so many late deafened people don't learn to sign. Then I'm reminded of the reality...
  5. D

    Hello, Everyone.

    Thanks for the thumbs up on my efforts. I'd rather not be one of those people who sink into denial and social isolation.
  6. D

    Hello, Everyone.

    Thanks! I look forward to getting to know a few folks around here.
  7. D

    Hello, Everyone.

    Thank you.
  8. D

    Hello, Everyone.

    AIED. I already have moderate/severe high frequency loss in my right ear. I've had attacks of sudden hearing loss in both ears, but the hearing in my left ear is still normal.
  9. D

    Hello, Everyone.

    Hi, all! I'm a hearing person who might/probably become deaf or HOH in the next few years. Since I have never met a deaf person, I thought I would make an effort to get to know a few. I have many questions. Maybe I could make a few new friends while I'm at it. Currently, I am learning ASL -...