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  1. D

    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    I don't know what the "A" is, but isn't the "K" for Kalashnikov?
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    Anyone here like me??

    How did they determine that you have autoimmune inner ear disease? Could your hearing loss have resulted from something else - perhaps a continuation of your congenital loss, as in DNM's case?
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    Newly deaf

  4. D

    Anyone here like me??

    I was diagnosed with AIED back in 2015. It's a rare thing, apparently. My symptoms are a little different, and I'm not deaf yet, so I can't really offer any advice (I'm more likely to ask for it), but it's always good to talk to someone who shares my condition.
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    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    At the risk of looking like a fool, is it short for Armalite?
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    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    Vehicle break-in.
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    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    Mine got stolen :(
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    Thoughts on fakers

    That's not good, and if I were in your shoes I would..... bring back Daffy, because that was neat.
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    •deaf poetry

    Very nice of you to share this with us. The older I get, the more I like poetry.
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    Deaf poem

    Thumbs up.
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    Thoughts on fakers

    People actually do this? For what reason?
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    Intresting post - using or speaking asl?

    I kind of see his point.
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    Going deaf.

    Welcome aboard. I, too, have a condition that involves bilateral sudden hearing loss.
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    Asl vs signed english

    As I try to learn more about ASL, I find it is easier to understand another person than it is to express myself.
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    Curious - what do you do?

    Southern United States English.
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    Kidnapped ca. woman found on side of road she was branded

    I don't watch TV anymore. Lifetime is still a thing?
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    What would you rather be doing right now??

    I'd rather be hanging out.
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    What's Your Dinner Tonight -- Part II

    Collard greens and flour tortillas. I might eat a bagel or two in a few minutes.
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    Anyone tired of being lonely?

    You're young, I'm guessing. In your twenties? I know what it's like to be an isolated young male. Yes, it's lonely. Do you have any friends? Note: I just edited out a lot of my own self-pitying drivel. Not in keeping with the spirit of assisting others.
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    Mad diabetic

    You pay for healthcare, anyway. Every time someone uses Medicaid, we pay. Every time somebody uses an emergency room as a clinic because they can't afford to go to a GP, we pay. Every time someone takes out more from Medicare than they paid in with their payroll taxes, we pay. Lastly, we pay in...