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    Questions about children with hl

    Y'all remember me?
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    How deaf is she?

    It varies. I think it depends on the nature of someone's hearing loss, and their history. People who are severely hard of hearing across most or all frequencies do seem to have a common "accent." Those rare people with low frequency hearing loss tend to talk in a high pitched voice.
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    Actor chris pratt apologizes to deaf community

    Much ado about nothing. He should not have apologized. I would say that an explanation would be good enough, but what he said shouldn't have drawn any attention in the first place.
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    Hard of hearing - possible to become deaf?

    Do you have any idea what caused your hearing loss, Sherlyn? You've said your hearing is getting worse. Have you been tested lately, or is it just something that's noticeable?
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    Vintage Social Media

    Those are fantastic.
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    Another batch

    Another batch? Of what, crack cocai... Oh, y'all are talking about wild game jerky. Sounds very tasty.
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    Deaf entrepreneur checking in - come say hello!

    Ahh, full name, full of himself... what's the difference, right?
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    Hi there!

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    What have you done for your apd (auditory processing disorder)?

    You are correct about ibuprofen causing tinnitus. Long before I was diagnosed with AIED, I unintentionally took too many ibuprofen tablets (too often, not all at once) for a sore throat, and the result was bilateral ringing and a weird "unreal" feeling. Some times I think my condition is not...
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    I'm gonna wish i had succeeded in learning asl- getting dentures monday

    Keep a watch on it, and buy soft bristled toothbrushes.
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    I'm gonna wish i had succeeded in learning asl- getting dentures monday

    That's disappointing to hear. I'm only 38 and already have some recession. I figured the grafts would be a permanent solution if I ever decided to go under the knife. The odd thing is that neither of my parents, nor my sister, seem to be affected. My teeth are a little larger than average, and...
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    I'm gonna wish i had succeeded in learning asl- getting dentures monday

    One thing that can definitely take place despite excellent dental care: idiopathic gum recession. Gum tissue and bone atrophy or wear down - for unknown reasons. It can lead to tooth loss. Some people receive a "gum graft," which is exactly what it sounds like. A surgeon will cut a strip of...
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    Duckie, there's somebody here who might want to talk to you about that name....
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    She wants a man who loves her wholewalletly.
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    New gene-delivery therapy restores partial hearing, balance in deaf mice

    I don't remember. It might have been some safety issue.
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    Actor bill paxton dead at age 61

    RIP, Private Hudson.
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    New gene-delivery therapy restores partial hearing, balance in deaf mice

    Wait no longer. The SGF166 trial has been (re)started.
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    I'm gonna wish i had succeeded in learning asl- getting dentures monday

    25 is old to me... and I'm 38.
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    New gene-delivery therapy restores partial hearing, balance in deaf mice

    My point was not that they shouldn't make sure that new treatments are safe, it's that they never seem to get around to doing ANYTHING.