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  1. D

    Gun control

    And they would continue coming from "somewhere" after the authorities confiscated all of my guns. Nobody produces crystal meth in a licensed facility, but there's a hell of a lot of it floating around. Guns aren't that difficult to manuracture; we're not talking about ICBMs here. Not one...
  2. D

    Gun control

    Accidental Post. How do I delete this?
  3. D

    Gun control

    To address your first point: I would support a ban on bump stocks (and drum magazines for assault weapons, for that matter) IF a bill were introduced that would accomplish that and ONLY that. Most gun owners would likely have no problem with it. The problem is that banning bump stocks would be...
  4. D

    Gun control

    Actually, I see what you get when you put people with guns in the presence of people who throw rocks and bottles at them. Edit: Let me assure anyone reading this that I am well aware that the Kent State shooting was a tragedy. I was pointing out that bad things happen when tempers flare in...
  5. D

    Gun control

    Everyone is in favor of gun control; it's just the type and degree we disagree on. I am a de facto Second Amendment absolutist, simply because I'm opposed to any gun control measure the Democrats propose. I don't believe one should have to obtain a license to buy a gun. I'm not too keen on...
  6. D

    Is there such a thing as...

    ...a stable hearing loss? For instance, is anyone born with a moderate hearing loss that doesn't get worse? Or does anyone with Meniere's Disease ever stabilize and stop losing their hearing? Just curious. Edit - I'm referring strictly to hearing losses that are not age-related.
  7. D

    Learning to lip read and wanting to make new friends

    If who could teach you?
  8. D

    Gun ownership question

    They should have (responsibly) exposed you to firearms if you were curious. Your post resonated with me because your experience with learning about guns was similar to my own experience of learning to drive. My sister was implicitly trusted to use the family's vehicles. I wasn't. Even after I...
  9. D

    Gun ownership question

    I think everyone who's mature enough to handle the responsibility should own a gun. I live in a somewhat violent small town, the kind of place where violent crime is notable but not at all shocking. Crime in general is also rampant, particularly theft, and the cops and judges couldn't care less...
  10. D

    Cochlear implant debate

    You do have a point. I live in MS, and I've only seen a few signers (all in the same day, weirdly enough). Last weekend, I saw someone with an implant for the first time in my life. Although I hope I don't lose all of my hearing, the possibility exists, so this kind of stuff has become very...
  11. D

    Cochlear implant debate

    That's why I think everyone who's deaf or practically deaf should strive to become as skilled at signing as he/she possibly can.
  12. D

    Cochlear implant debate

    Bummer. I hope I don't lose hearing in my other ear. I know it's hard to learn a new language as an adult, but I didn't know there's a hard limit on how proficient someone can get.
  13. D

    What are you thinking about? Part VIII

    I was going to make a joke about Wild Turkey bourbon, but I just don't have it in me tonight.
  14. D

    Ear pressure issues

    My ears are similar. It takes about fifty (maybe less) feet of elevation gain to stop my ears up. I can usually un-stop them by moving my jaw from side to side (which looks most unintelligent to passing motorists). Every now and then, like you, I have to pinch my nose.
  15. D

    Deaf social in charlotte nc

    COBOL never dies.
  16. D

    Hearing loss

    I watch Vicars' videos. In one, he signs "draw" by imitating someone pulling a pistol out of a holster. I rarely laugh at non-profane humor, but that joke made me smile. Lifeprint is a good recommendation.
  17. D

    Braille and wheelchairs...

    I wonder if the FA thought she was blind. Probably not. I think some people live inside their individual zones and don't think that much about anything outside of their own experience. Truth be told, I can name a dozen people off the top of my head who might make that same mistake - and need...
  18. D

    Braille and wheelchairs...

    Your mother was right to give him the face. I can't imagine why anyone would try to give a wheelchair to someone he sees standing and walking. There are apparently some REALLY dumb people out there.
  19. D

    Braille and wheelchairs...

    I have a question for any Deaf signers who wish to answer, and it is totally NOT for a survey: Have any of you ever been offered a braille menu at a restaurant, or a wheelchair at the airport? I've heard a few Deaf people report these two things.
  20. D

    Questions about children with hl

    Thanks, DD! I was feeling unappreciated. :) Guess I should participate more.