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  1. SigningTinker

    Other Senses.

    Dear Deaf Community, I had a few questions which have been circulating around my youth group for a little while now. :hmm: Since you are deaf and cannot hear, are your other senses (such as smell and sight) any stronger? And lastly, what is the best way to communicate with hearing...
  2. SigningTinker

    Interpretting Today!

    I didn't quite understand the humor at first, I'm glad to know he was joking though. (I'll remember to use interpreting instead, lol)
  3. SigningTinker

    Interpretting Today!

    Yeah, lol. I got to watch the vid, I admit it was funny.
  4. SigningTinker

    Interpretting Today!

    Yes, they did. :) I loved doing my best to interpret, and to bring sign language out to the public.
  5. SigningTinker

    Interpretting Today!

    I love how rude some people can be. I am not a 'fake', thank you very much. The signs that I used were genuine signs, and I made none of them up. Sure, I made a couple of mistakes, but who doesn't on their first try? I picked it right back up and corrected myself.
  6. SigningTinker

    Interpretting Today!

    Yes , there were a few that did and those were the ones who enjoyed it.
  7. SigningTinker

    Interpretting Today!

    It was so fun. I think I did a great job. All of the elderly people I talked to said I did an amazing job and had an idea of what sign language was. Oddly enough, there were no Deaf people in the audience. It was great. Thanks guys. :)
  8. SigningTinker

    What are you thinking about? Part VIII

    I'm excited to interpret this morning!
  9. SigningTinker

    Fake Passport

    Just our luck. :ugh:
  10. SigningTinker

    Interpretting Today!

    Hey guys! My school is going to a nursing home this morning to sing Christmas carols to people there. The thing is, I'm going to be interpreting for the first time today! I'll be translating the songs, since there is a chance that there are Deaf/HH people there, and I think it would be...
  11. SigningTinker

    What's Your Dinner Tonight -- Part II

    Oddly enough, I haven't had anything. Just snacking around today! :lol:
  12. SigningTinker

    "Please touch the art" museum exhibits for the blind

    Sounds like an incredible place. Who says blind people can't enjoy art just as well as sighted people? :)
  13. SigningTinker

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Chappie with Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell.
  14. SigningTinker

    Signing and Driving.

    Oh, it's certainly not like that, Reba. I'm just not familiar with such things. If my threads need to be deleted due to that, please get someone to do so. I'll use this advice to re-word things in the future. I'm sorry about this. :(
  15. SigningTinker

    Signing and Driving.

    That's true, they do have a lot less distractions. I just wasn't sure that having your hands off of the wheel was very safe, to be honest.
  16. SigningTinker

    Signing and Driving.

    Ah, sorry. I don't mean to be offensive or annoying in anything I post, ever. I'm just very new to the deaf community, and I don't know very much. I just want an honest answer without someone getting grumpy because I asked it. It's much simpler to leave the thread alone if the question is...
  17. SigningTinker

    Signing and Driving.

    From me, or someone else? I mean no aggression, I'm just very curious and it's not very fun to get sarcastic comments back, lol :lol:
  18. SigningTinker

    Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslims Entering U.S.

    You don't honestly know the intentions of most muslims entering into America. Who knows? We might give someone a one-way ticket into giving us another tragedy like they did with Paris. We just need to be careful about who we let in. I'm not saying all muslims are bad, but you never know what...
  19. SigningTinker

    Signing and Driving.

    I just felt that it was kinda dangerous, considering that he was using mostly two-handed signs and looking at the passenger for most of the ride. :crazy:
  20. SigningTinker

    help! CODA - did your parents....

    No, I never said I thought you were stupid. I meant in a visual sense, as if the child was in a crib.