Search results

  1. AJWSmith

    Are Facebook's days numbered?

    I hate Facebook too. But too many of my friends and family use it as their ONLY form of social media. So if I want to stay in touch with them, I have to use it. Personally I don't see Facebook dying anytime soon as I cannot see these type of people making the effort to switch to another form of...
  2. AJWSmith

    Name the Film (picture game)

    Extra clue for people who don't cheat ;) Another photo from the same film. This actor has been in the news a lot in the last few days. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. AJWSmith

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    I'm deaf, but my sense of smell is a bit below average Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. AJWSmith

    Might be looking into getting CI

    ladysolitary85 - It's a very personal decision and I wouldn't want to tell you what to do with your own body. My only advice is to do your research and read around. As well as the success stories, find the ones where the CI failed to deliver the expected benefits. There are loads of blogs out...
  5. AJWSmith

    deaf/hearing couples' experiences?

    Hi withdeaf. A communication tip - signing the first letter of the word you're speaking is very helpful to lipreaders who know the ASL/BSL alphabet. Not necessary to use in every single word, but the keywords. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. AJWSmith

    Mobile app browsing on alldeaf now available (Tapatalk)

    Aha! Discovered 'Timeline' on Tapatalk which seems to be the equivalent of 'New Posts'. :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. AJWSmith

    What are you doing right now?

    Experimenting with the new tapatalk app on my iPad. AD looks REALLY different on tapatalk so it takes some getting used to... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. AJWSmith

    deaf/hearing couples' experiences?

    Hi withdeaf. I've been married a long time. My wife is hearing and I have a profound hearing loss but have been bought up to use speech and hearing aids, not sign. In fact I didn't know any sign language (BSL here in UK) or a single Deaf person until about 2 years ago. So my first language is...
  9. AJWSmith

    Mobile app browsing on alldeaf now available (Tapatalk)

    Is there an equivalent to the 'New Posts' screen here on AD website? I've downloaded it to my iPad but am struggling with all the differences to the website. I particularly miss the 'New Posts'
  10. AJWSmith

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Yes. The Swedes filmed all three books. I watched a DVD box set which had the extended version of all three - six 90min episodes. They were quite faithful to the books, but inevitably there were some changes and omissions. But as I posted earlier, far superior to the US version.
  11. AJWSmith

    Vibrating alarm clock

    I agree with Jiro's recommendation. I've tried several different types of vibrating alarm clocks and this is my favourite. In fact, I have two of them for those times when I really really really do need to wake up early and am worried that I might sleep through.
  12. AJWSmith

    Philip Seyour-Hoffman - most underrated actor ever lived, found Dead

    One of my favourite actors. Really sad to read of his death :shock::shock::shock: He appeared in The Big Lebowski & Magnolia which are two films that make my all time top ten films
  13. AJWSmith

    Anyone watch Dr. Who?

    I'm a MASSIVE Doctor Who fan (or Whovian as we're sometimes known). I've seen nearly every single story since the first one in 1963. My favourite classic Doctor is Tom Baker. My favourite new Doctor is Matt Smith. This info may not be of any use to you, but iTunes have many of the classic Dr...
  14. AJWSmith

    What was the last movie you watched?

    The Swedish film was far better than the Hollywood film with Daniel Craig IMO. I watched the extended version which has an extra 30mins to the cinema release.
  15. AJWSmith

    What was the last movie you watched?

    From On Up Poppy Hill, a Studio Ghibli film. OK, but not as good as some of their other films.
  16. AJWSmith

    Name the Film (picture game)

  17. AJWSmith

    Name the Film (picture game)

    Reservoir Dogs?
  18. AJWSmith

    Woman Was Her Own Twin-and the Twin Was the Mother of Her Children

    Wow! Had to read that carefully to make sense of it all. I'm glad that the courts finally recognized her as the mother along with the rest of the world
  19. AJWSmith

    Which Star Wars character are you?

    A Stormtroo... ARRRRRRRGGH! *falls down dead*
  20. AJWSmith

    Opinion about deaf humor?

    One example of the difference between hearing and Deaf humour is the use of puns where the joke is using similar sounding words that have different meanings. Example: Q. What is the difference between Joan of Arc and Noah's Ark? A. One was made of wood and the other was Maid of Orleans.