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  1. I

    Any one of you in Direct Selling Association business?

    Hi Doug! Thanks for the wonderful things about the Mela products. Online marketing is not for everyone so I can understand your post. It's GOOD that you love the products. Hey ya'll! There are many, many other companies in the DSA so it's for everyone here to discuss these companies, what...
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    Any one of you in Direct Selling Association business?

    Hi amiga! Yeaa! I'm involved with AmeriPlan. I was with Melaleuca for a while but NOW sitting out a team change. Both AmeriPlan and Melaleuca are DSA members so you could say I am indirectly in the DSA.
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    Work from home for Deaf?

    I found two good work from home businesses: Melaleuca and AmeriPlan. I am sitting out a team change within Melaleuca. I can't wait to get back in. AmeriPlan is awesome. I already started making money. Both are legit. I even found a deafie within my own team! How? Her enroller saw me blazing...
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    Laptop Stolen from NTID with Personal Information of Thousands of Us

    oh great, one more thing to do----calling to put a fraud alert on all of my credit files.
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    Voluntary evacuations for all of south Louisiana....

    Hey DeafDave-- Oops! I should have said "No one thought to discuss storm surge on this thread" I apologize. I didn't mean to say NO ONE thought of this. I need a second cup of tea..... (crossing fingers) your families' homes will not get damaged....I can't imagine how you feel not knowing...
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    Voluntary evacuations for all of south Louisiana....

    Hey guys, I realized my goof last night when I saw on the news about the wind speed. I thought it was 150 mph for a Cat 5 level. It is actually 156 as IslandGal said. Thank IslandGal. Pacman, I asked my guy about Cat 5--He said not a 5. I slept in so I asked him. He has been following this...
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    Voluntary evacuations for all of south Louisiana....

    The outer bands, now some more of the hurricane are already up here. It blew and rained hard when we were at the Ft. Myers Chuck E. Cheese's. The weather here right now is wet and cloudy. It wiill be that way for the whole weekend. 145 mph, five away from Cat 5. This is a monster hurricane...
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    Where does Obama’s Money Come From?

    In the future, if the U.S. Constitution gets amended in a way or gets added on an amendment that allows naturalized Americans to run for President, then the Governator can run for the Presidency if he wants to.
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    Moving to Texas to take advantage of the deaf college tuiton exemption; Worth it?

    Aw, too bad I didn't know while I was investigating going to veterinary school. A dean at Purdue University Veterinary School actually told me of a deaf veterinarian in California. To go there because that school could help me, and being a resident of California for lower tution..... I...
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    Do you have kind of insurances?

    Afforable Dental Benefits Includes Vision, Prescription and Chiropratic Services. Only $19.95 a month Per Household Medical Benefits start at $29.95 to $59.95 Start Saving Today No waiting period No limits No paperwork Comestic Dentistry Included Orthodonics Included ***except...
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    Question about autism boy with my daughter

    Why not when she starts asking about his condition? There are four kids next door to us, and one of them has high functioning autism. My older one likes to watch TV with him. They get along great. He acts pretty much normal except for a couple things that the kids(?)wouldn't notice for a...
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    Drinking before bedtime

    When my little ones ask for a drink before bedtime, I give them a little water. A couple of sips is all they want.:D
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    Science subform?

    Great idea! Go for it!
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    Being deaf in discriminating hearing world (long)

    Have you both thought about setting up home-based businesses? It is a lot of work but doable. Research what you want to do and go after it Good Luck!
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    What's your occupation?

    Doug, Melaleuca just rolled out its new and improved vitamins this week and I'm hearing good things about it! Check it out through your family. :wave:
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    Perhaps the stupidest reason why I got in trouble at work.

    Hey Dixie! 5 arrested at your workplace in one day. 7 arrested at my old workplace in one day. We got something in common. LOL Anyone else see this at work?
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    Leaving babies to cry

    I agree with Alymira, VamPyrox and Jillio. My little ones try to stall naptime/bedtime by crying some nights but they settle down within minutes. "Crying It Out" or CIO. Their needs are attended to consistently so---if they are really crying, then their dad or I would have to find out why and...
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    What's your first pet when you were a kid?

    My first pet was a turtle.
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    Is this shallow/wrong?

    :ty: Jillio!!!
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    The Word "Exciting"

    Yes, I agree with you! I got some bad marks my first two quarters in 5th grade for some things. It was around the springtime that school year before I started to show the marks expected of most children in elementary school. I was already doing subjects at the deaf school required of older...