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  1. I

    Anyone fancy travelling the world with me?

    I would jump at island-hopping the Pacific but now I got two little ones. I'll wait til they are older. Also when we got tons of money!! LOL Kimmy
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    What were your best and / or worst memories in your high school??

    No best memory because most of high school was pretty good for me! I even rearranged my schedule so I was able to get out of school by 1230pm with permission from my stepdad to head out to the farm everyday without a PE requirement. The fun stuff during and outside school and the people we grew...
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    Could there be First Deaf Player in the NFL?

    Deaf people can do anything with the right occupation, right people, right teamwork. I'm sure the players and the coach value good deaf players enough to show support through hand signs, tap on shoulder, or whatever. When i was riding in competition, I couldn't hear the judges so my trainer...
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    Should We file Lawsuits against NTID?

    I wouldn't worry about filing a lawsuit because RIT/NTID is already working on this laptop problem. If my info was compromised, I'd hear from RIT.
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    Any deaf Chef here ?

    Maria, Which restaurant in Ft. Myers does your guy work at? Bahama Breeze? Macaroni Grill? My last job was prep chef at Bahama Breeze before I left in my 7th month with my first baby. My guy turned down a promotion to "sous chef" five times because they don't pay much for that position and...
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    Trip to Vermont??

    When I was growing up, we used to go to Vermont 2-3 weekends a month. LOVE IT!! I will try to put in a family vacation to VT from down here in the future.
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    Friday Night

    Last night? Yelling about the damn computer not aligning my AmeriPlan postcards---and screaming Yipppie when it was finally printed out perfectly. Then watched Atlantis with my guy. Not mention checking on Ike on the news. Silly, I know.....
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    Friday Night

    Gotcha! Freeport!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever drink Pusser's Rum? I LOVE that rum. Unfortunately, I didn't think to drink THAT in IslandGal's country. Duh of me. Make it thru Ike okay?
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    Hurricane IKE

    Whew, we should be okay but we are STILL watching it.
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    Purchasing New Hearing Aids

    AmeriPlan is a 16 yr old debt free company that specializes in discount dental and medical programs that save members a lot of money. When you buy hearing aids from a provider in the network, and you are an AmeriPlan member, then you save a lot of money. With Ameriplan, you can even get your...
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    Who likes scented candles?

    Lucia, talk with IslandGal because she has the perfect candles for you.
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    Hurricane IKE

    Southern Bahamas or even in New Providence (where Nassau is) Ike will affect everyone there. I think K'Shasha will be okay---most Bahamaians are pretty seasoned hurricane people. Batten down until it goes by. We're thinking of you there. Ike will get really weak if it goes over a lot of Cuba...
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    Purchasing New Hearing Aids

    Everyone! Hold and check out Ameriplan before you pay for hearing aids. You can seriously save money!!! If anyone is interested, I will gladly check it out for you. Kimberly
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    Who likes scented candles?

    Hey IslandGal, Send me a catalog so I can put your candles on my family christmas list. Everyone---check this Scentsy stuff out. They are really incredible for houses with kids and animals. I'm getting some this year. Woooooo hoooo.
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    Hurricane Hanna

    Stay safe, you and your family, Shel90. The eye should be over you now...Then it may get much worse before it gets better. It's a fast moving storm so that is good. Heading into Long Island tonight. I'm gonna call my cousins there.
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    Hurricane IKE

    Hey, thanks! I love that website. If that hurricane interacts too much with Cuba, it will weaken big time. If not, then a monster! We will see, like Oceanbreeze said. :)
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    Hurricane IKE

    Morning ya'll Beautiful weather up here. Right, Maria? Maybe one or two more days before the feeder bands gets here... The trough that is running across the Gulf of Mexico is forecasted to break into two pieces just before Ike goes into the Gulf so it's gonna be a nasty one. Ike shifted...
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    Hurricane IKE

    DeadMoney, If you don't like this thread, move on! We like to keep an eye on hurricanes when our area is being threatened. Another purpose of this thread is to allow people to talk about hurricanes. The track has shifted downward with an aim on Key West instead of Ft. Myers but it is still...
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    Hurricane IKE

    Same here. Hurricane Ike got sheared somewhat so down to 120 mph but will power back up over the warm waters of the Bahamas. We will know as soon as Ike gets near Florida if that Bermuda High will push Ike away from Florida or not. Too early to tell. We are in the middle of the cone for now...
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    Hurricane IKE

    My mom's starting to get nervous about Ike. She wants me to take the little ones up to my uncle's in Hernando. The problem is, the hurricanes are so huge that it wouldn't make sense to go there instead of staying here. So we'll watch how Ike tracks in the next few days and make the right...