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  1. Dark-Half

    Dating single parents

    Nah, it's cool. Everybody needs to be loved. No point in not considering people who already bought someone into this world. People make mistakes and some people just don't work together and it's better to split etc.
  2. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    Tankoo very much!
  3. Dark-Half

    who wants some blood ?

    o.0 it looks like what Henry Kissinger uses to sign his checkque book with, only his is an actual severed finger of a child.
  4. Dark-Half

    Stolen toilet paper !

    "Butts" ???? Am I the only one who finds that immensely humorus...
  5. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    I got an ipod shuffle as a gift o.0; is there some sort of wires I can get that'll hook the CI to the shuffle that I should ask from my audie?
  6. Dark-Half

    Buying a house

    I got 2 words. Foundation and insulation. Any cracks in foundation or support beams=bad bad bad. Even worse if theres water. Water damage HORRIBLE! You'd best invest in an expert someone qualified to check it out if ya can spare the money.... its easy to get ripped becareful.
  7. Dark-Half

    Worst Mistake and Best Decision?

    worst-giving up a low income apartment out of overwhem-ness and fear. best- probably going through with the CI op.
  8. Dark-Half

    GEEZ Tiger with Horse HUH!! Not match!!

    Ohhh, kinky!
  9. Dark-Half

    Have anyone ever had an open relationship?

    I've always hated the concept of open-dating. It seems immoral to me and just wrong. I'd be so angry if a girl asked me to consider it.... probably dump her on spot too.
  10. Dark-Half

    College foot bath provokes response

    pac-mans idea is best however. It's not hard to fork out 20 bucks to china-mart.
  11. Dark-Half

    College foot bath provokes response

    government makes little shrines in hospitials for catholic/christians.
  12. Dark-Half

    why can't people have ordinary sex?

    just going at it missionary seems boring... Doing new things youll discover you might like something better than just missionary. =p each to their own... cept for poo.. that stuff has to be a mental disorder.
  13. Dark-Half

    Drugs and relationships.

    In general really.
  14. Dark-Half

    Dodge neon aftermarket stuff?

    Unsure. I love both american muscle and foreign cars, the dodge neon was something I could afford. Tell me more about this throttle body. It basically increases gas intake, correct? Boring is polishing or just increasing the diameter of the hole?
  15. Dark-Half

    Dodge neon aftermarket stuff?

    I just managed to snag me a 1995 dodge neon. Before anyone goes off screaming "chick car" I say fook yew! it can be made into an aggressive looking gen 4 EVO lancer clone, which is hawt. It has 38 mpg on highway and about 30-ish in town after I modded it with a few things. Has anyone had...
  16. Dark-Half

    Next generation ear implants?

    Sounds painful. I'd be happy with just hearing at least 20 dbs and understanding 70%-80% conversations. One CI op is enough for me...
  17. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    4 days till stitches out. 4 days and 2 weeks until hookup. I couldn't sleep last night and have started to take the pain killers.... i hate pain killers but its helping me sleep and keep sane for the time being. Tongue is numb and throat is wiggy feelin. I still can't really feel my ear and...
  18. Dark-Half

    Drugs and relationships.

    Straight =/... bleh lol
  19. Dark-Half

    Drugs and relationships.

    Her taking E hurt pretty bad. I told her I wish I could have made her happy when she was on it, instead of her resorting to a pill and she said "Me too" I try to be tolerant in relationships and make them work, but for some reason I seem to always end up with immature chicks... When I got...
  20. Dark-Half

    Well, well, well, the table has been turned.

    War is just for making rich people richer. It maniuplates and forces prices to fluicate. I'm anti war as well. I get sick every time people bring up "people die for your freedom" feels more like they spill blood to feed the money tree than the tree of liberity.