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  1. Dark-Half

    Tiny implant shows promise for deaf

    >_> I have a fresh ear on my right side for this if such thing makes a breakthrough!
  2. Dark-Half

    Baby No. 17 For Duggars Coming Soon

    I wonder how much a baby's forehead sells for as advertisement space or is that off-limits? If I were them I would try to maximize my profits and squeeze out every buck I mean, after all... she squeezed them out of herself. She's already got her 6 year olds in designer overalls, shoes and...
  3. Dark-Half

    Buried Car Unveiled!

    Boo, they're making munnies off it! Booo!!! It better to go charity! I'm in the silican mob, I'll have them know with a nine iron to the knee!
  4. Dark-Half

    while its healing up

    No cream for me either. They gave me cephlaxin. I know i mispelled that but it's accurate enough. I was told to take 4 a day until the bottle's empty... @.@
  5. Dark-Half

    No more wearing Makeup?

    Faking 'natural beauty' will create the illusion that you need to have flawless skin, perfect cheek bones and all the right tones when it's just a huge lie. It makes alot of chicks who are in actual beautiful in their own way feel infenior like they can't match up unless they join in. If you...
  6. Dark-Half

    Male Body Shave

    If I ever was going to take off any of my hair I'd opt for wax. Shaving leaves unslightly bumps and all sorts of unwanted things. If you get it waxed it's so much nicer -- hurts like a bitch. The most I ever did was shave my chest, my face and one other place :d
  7. Dark-Half

    No more wearing Makeup?

    I think most chicks look better without make up. lip gloss and nail polish, some eyeliner but anything more i dont see the point.
  8. Dark-Half

    Clear Medical Face Masks

    Fun story for y'all - when I was getting wheeled to the OR for my CI after I got to the table, one of the docs tried to talk to me and I'm all "I can't see your lips so I don't know what you're saying. Sorry." Then another doctor comes by... he used a sharpie to draw lips on his mask. I...
  9. Dark-Half

    Bob Barker

    I was about to say that. I wonder what you'd do with it after paying so much... It's just a microphone....he....used. I think I'd use it as a toothbrush or back scratcher.
  10. Dark-Half

    Large dairy stripped of organic certification

    Organic stuff isn't always better. There's more parasites in it, but then again cows could really make milk without the steroids. There should be a healthy medium somewhere.
  11. Dark-Half

    Do you?

    I feel like that when I have too much to drink!
  12. Dark-Half

    attention for smoker

    Hilarious XD
  13. Dark-Half

    I Dont Fit In Anywhere

    We all love you! I... think?
  14. Dark-Half

    while its healing up

    :eek3: did you guys ever poke at it... feel at it or anything and feel a squish..... a pop... anything that felt weird? @.@ I perhaps shouldn't play with my ear anymore... or even touch around there... lol....
  15. Dark-Half

    Tobacco, Government's Fault?

    I gave up trying to play fox mulder and find the truth. I just gave myself an ultimatium "never trust any form of government".
  16. Dark-Half

    Dating single parents

    Vampy is a dirty bird.
  17. Dark-Half

    The Infamous Ghetto Indoor Pool

    Surf's up dude!
  18. Dark-Half

    excessive Gravity during jet aerobatics

    o_o... Silly putty! *Squish*
  19. Dark-Half

    I Dont Fit In Anywhere

    =p life is rough, alot of us feel alone in our minds wandering around trying to figure out axioms for life and searching for answers. I don't know any advice to give you cept patience... and find a hobby you enjoy, anything :P I dunno.. sometimes I don't understand some people here so well.. I...
  20. Dark-Half

    BREAKING NEWS WWE Chairman Vince McMahon got explosives in Limo

    Doode, I miss old school wrestling. Jake the snake roberts, Andrew the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Macho man, Honk tonk man, The Ultimate warrior etc. They didn't go so far with stupid stuff like this and it was actually amusing to watch -cries- how times hath failed me!