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  1. Dark-Half

    Vegans starve their baby to death on a diet of soy milk and apple juice

    I don't like hamsters. You're safe. Edit; actually... anyone know where dishes are served that're made out of hamsters? Hehehe.
  2. Dark-Half

    "Mickey Mouse" teaches children to hate

    I think it's rather funny. Then again I also think it's funny seeing a rabbit try to outrun a GT500 touring car and get ran over. -shrug- You guys realize the creed of these people right? They have a mentalty to NEVER give up, they plan to continue this war on for eternity. They will pass it...
  3. Dark-Half

    Vegans starve their baby to death on a diet of soy milk and apple juice

    I like eating furry little creatures. Mmm rabbit rissoto.
  4. Dark-Half

    Pentagon tells 35,000: Prepare to deploy

    I have a theory! It's called purity controll! They send over specific people of specific enthicies with few white people or something and get em smooshed in friendly fire :O they're doing population weeding or something...!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am just being silly, but yes its stupid to send more over)
  5. Dark-Half

    Most issue you're concern in political?

    I personally do not trust any form of government myself. I'd like to see legalizing weed myself solely to see how America handles it. I keep getting the feeling that if Obama gets president we just might get a push in that direction.
  6. Dark-Half

    Most issue you're concern in political?

    Frankly there's alot of issues but right now we really need to focus on the ozone layer. If we keep up at this rate damaging the earth we won't even be around to argue about tax, abortion, health care and whatanot. That's the biggest focus, after you solve that problem and stablize the ozone...
  7. Dark-Half

    Falwell Dies at age 73

    Because the very existence of that man is pure bullshit. He's knocked alot of good people in his crusade of self-rightousness. His opinions are flawed and unjust just like a 5 year old gunning off insults in anger. Lets just leave it at that before I go on a tanget elaborating exactly why I...
  8. Dark-Half

    Falwell Dies at age 73

    I doubt even worms would eat this man as their food because he's so vile and that's saying a lot.
  9. Dark-Half

    Shiloh is walking!!!

    >.> That's how movie stars are. They f00k have kids then split up and f00k some more with other people.
  10. Dark-Half

    God doesn't exist.

    I was joking... I thought it was kinda obvious.