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  1. bbaseballboy123

    My Cochlear Implant

    from my experience, (right ear) I hear just about anything a normal hearing ear does basically. Not as well but everything comes the same as a normal hearing. Music and lyrics are easy to follow. And the phone never been an issue with me, however I must have a decent phone otherwise it IS a...
  2. bbaseballboy123

    My Cochlear Implant

    Haha, the alvin and chipmunk sounds totally normal! Congrats! What company did you get?
  3. bbaseballboy123

    Hooray! FCC Releases Television IP Captioning Rules

    great news. does this mean we will not be seeing some odd captions? for ex: The person is saying "what have we done here?!", there will be no more crappy caption? "Wat sfsd sdsw here?1"
  4. bbaseballboy123

    more designs for audio cable cords?

    This is one company i order from, there are tons of sleeving companies to order from and tons of colors. They "kinda" protect the wires, but mainly just for good looks. And you can bend the sleeve and it gets thick, but we'll see if it will work or not, if not, wasted 4 bucks
  5. bbaseballboy123

    more designs for audio cable cords?

    i would dig deep purple or even red. I'm gonna look into this, and see if any sleeveing can do the job. FTW Sleeve Small v2.0 Red (Pre-Order) - Small Sleeve - FTW Sleeve - Sleeving Something like this with a matching heatshrink would look really nice edit: I talked to FTWPC (where i get...
  6. bbaseballboy123

    Should Deaf communicate oral with hearing family and friends?

    I mean great aunt, so hes my parent's cousin. But No i rarely ever talk to him because he lives a thousand miles away. So its kinda like talking to a stranger since I only met him once in my life
  7. bbaseballboy123

    Should Deaf communicate oral with hearing family and friends?

    since i been learning more and more sign each day (still very slow and rusty), i been using it a little more each day in front of my family. But it can get frustrating because they just ask what did i just say lol. For me, I'm always oral with both sides of my family, besides my aunt who knows...
  8. bbaseballboy123

    more designs for audio cable cords?

    Not only color that cochlear fails at, but also the fact that they sell it for over $100, is there any company that sells the exact same model for a crap-load cheaper?
  9. bbaseballboy123

    What are my options Nucleus 22 user

    my implant became defective and they still replaced it for free of charge. And the implant was from 1997.
  10. bbaseballboy123

    Will a cochlear implant work for...

    Agreed, he has two things to consider, the internals (cochlear IMO is the best for internals because of their good no recall repution compare to AB), and the externals. Theres just soooo much to consider, battery life, FM support (for children), microphones, appearance (can depend on...
  11. bbaseballboy123

    Any suggestions on a good ci product

    theres 3 companies that I can name off of my head ( i have both of the companies implanted), advanced Bionics, Cochlear America, and Mel med (i forgot the name lol)
  12. bbaseballboy123

    Will a cochlear implant work for...

    what treatments are you getting? I would assume an implant would work for you, but i dont even know what sensorineural hearing is
  13. bbaseballboy123

    CI implantees, advice on learning how to hear?

    no offense but LOOK IN THE FORUMS! There are answers everywhere on this forum for your topic.
  14. bbaseballboy123

    Anyone who got 2nd CI more than 10 years after the first one?

    For me, it is a big difference. For others, probably not such a big difference. Its just really different, almost sometimes too much for me that I'm just happy with one.
  15. bbaseballboy123

    Anyone who got 2nd CI more than 10 years after the first one?

    I'm gonna be completely honest, I thought it was gonna be awesome when I got the 2nd implant, but it turns out I disliked it therefore did not wear it as much as I should have. I can't stand not being able to hear very well which means having my right on all the time. I admit it, i dont like it...
  16. bbaseballboy123

    Anyone who got 2nd CI more than 10 years after the first one?

    Alright here is my complete response: I actually never really wrote too much about having two implants compare to a lot of posting on actually having the implants. So this is my will be my most detailed summary of me having bilateral CIs. It is known that I have had my implant on my right...
  17. bbaseballboy123

    Anyone who got 2nd CI more than 10 years after the first one?

    lol your sitation is eaxctly like mine. I got my 2nd implant after 12 years (left ear) I never got used to it, still getting used to it but rarely wear it. I'll post a complete response soon, but not in the mood right now, but i can Skype if you want.
  18. bbaseballboy123

    Any Competitive Swimmers?

    i fail at lip reading.
  19. bbaseballboy123

    Any Competitive Swimmers?

    when i was around 10ish, I was actually a compedtive swimmer. I never like the arm flagging because its slower than the actual sound. But they never used a real gun, so i just relied on the light that they use. Now being a compedtive runner in track, they always use a gun. A gun makes a sound...
  20. bbaseballboy123

    Freedom and N5 T-coil with Iphone

    dont hear very well with it, i primarily use my right as i had all my life