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  1. bbaseballboy123

    How can I get CI?

    Just give a call to the company you had implanted with and they should do everything for free, why take governemnt money when you can just have the company pay for it.
  2. bbaseballboy123

    CI Failure? Support please!

    Doctors perfer cochlear over AB because AB been having more recalls than cochlear america. The internals are basically the same, its all about the future proof and techs of the processors. So it narrows down to cochlear's n5 or AB's harmony. But don't forget, they are working on future...
  3. bbaseballboy123

    CI Failure? Support please!

    So funny because I went with Cochlear America last year simply because AB was off the market due to recalls. Now its the opposite.
  4. bbaseballboy123

    letter to my state legislature on the DCBR act

    My state is in the process of voting for the deaf chill bill of rights. The purpose of the bill is to give the nessecary needs of deaf children in the state of connecticut. About 80% of the deaf students in connecticut do not meet the "passing" score, therefore, clearly, need an improvement in...
  5. bbaseballboy123

    How can I get CI?

    I think just because of the fact one of the CI is broken, you can get it all done for free by the company, only thing you would be responsible for is, your own medication
  6. bbaseballboy123

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    I'm gonna have to agree with Cloggy. It really helped my life to be easier. And I havent really seen my social life (now) bad. Having CI over not having one is better than nothing.
  7. bbaseballboy123

    Pat's (bbaseballboy) Surgery log

    I cant really remember but for years before it broke, it was above 90's. At my last visit (with no mapping for 6 months), i scored a 96% words Right now, since I love my current map (its a plan that I developed in which improves my hearing each time). I will go every 6-12 months or when I...
  8. bbaseballboy123


    Assuming you have the freedom, I know sometimes have great deals.
  9. bbaseballboy123


    For what company's processor? Or are you talking about an hearing aid?
  10. bbaseballboy123

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    i believe many teenagers deaf non-CI users are fucked up. ------- Just like your statement, my statement about many teenagers deaf non-CI users being fucked up is filled with Ignorance
  11. bbaseballboy123

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    I DO understand that. If i were to get all of my real hearing back today, it would sound totally different. But I am very used to my CI now that I can "hear" a lot of what a natural hearing would be hearing but in a different set of sounds. Yet we still understand it just as well. Bell, horn...
  12. bbaseballboy123

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    Oh yeah, I agree i cant hear as well as a hearing person. That i completely agree.
  13. bbaseballboy123

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    natural as possible? I know i can hear quiet a lot, but not everything. Doesn't stop me from asking my friends to turn down the car stereo so i can hear them
  14. bbaseballboy123

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    i really hate when people say "god made me this way" cause honestly, its just a scientific defect. Not to put down religion, but, do you have to really believe that god wanted you to be deaf (or blind, or mental, or small, or big, or black, or white, or yellow, or brown?) We have ears that are...
  15. bbaseballboy123

    Bi-lateral IC, one remote?

    no, its simple actually. Just have to change to change the remote to which processor you want it to be on, left or right. I do think if you change a program on the remote, it changes both processors.
  16. bbaseballboy123

    CI Failure? Support please!

    HA! dont worry AlexOrlov, I am a profound deaf 17 year old, not a hearing parent. Anyway, don't worry, they have tools that test each electron in the implant. If one has failed, its something to talk about, but if many had failed, you will be recommended to have surgery (99% sure they will do...
  17. bbaseballboy123

    Med El CI users ?

    Could look into matte black spray paint lol Im serious. Bring it to an professional paint shop, explain which they should NOT paint and which you want black (body).
  18. bbaseballboy123

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    I would if i have deaf kids of which are canidiates of having one when i get older. Not sure if i would go bilateral thought. And sure as hell not go with any company that has all inside CI (which would require future surgeries to replace the battery or w.e). I agree with this mainly.
  19. bbaseballboy123

    I want to get a CI for my right side but...?

    Go for it if you can. From my experience, having an implant on my right all my life, and getting the left a few years, its (still is) very hard for me to use it.