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  1. bbaseballboy123

    Personal Audio Cable needed (N5)

    bump, anyone have any idea where to get one?
  2. bbaseballboy123

    cochlear N5 audio cable

    does anyone have any to sell or know a place that sells them for cheap rather than having to spend over $150 for one (Wtf... i hate single markets)
  3. bbaseballboy123

    Wanted : Personal Audio Cable (will trade)

    bump, i need a new audio cable for my N5, cant afford $150 for one.
  4. bbaseballboy123

    Is Advanced Bionics really "behind" in their technology?

    Yeah i agree. I dont know why people have to hate on AB when they dont even have or had AB. I personally love both companies. I feel that AB has better sound system but Cochlear makes a better processor in general.
  5. bbaseballboy123

    black stuff coming from ear after CI surgery?

    yeah that is normal. its blood build up form the surgery, just relax, recover and it will go away soon the numbing.. i still have some spots that are numbed on my scar line.
  6. bbaseballboy123

    Cochlear vs Med-El - music listening

    cochlear has a really cool feature. you can hook up the mp3 to the implant within seconds. AB can do the same, but takes a lot of effort/time to do so you can hear purely just music, it turns off the mics and just listen to the output of the mp3 HOWEVER, i will say that with audio without...
  7. bbaseballboy123

    where to start? deaf baby

    I, for one completely recommend teaching the baby ASL as soon as possible even if you are going down the oral path. I was raised with the oral method (proud to be raised oral), but I am learning ASL now and I wished I had learned it as a kid.
  8. bbaseballboy123

    FM advantages

    Not mentioning anything direct but a "time" ago, a person in my group needs captioning really bad all the time. So in one of the presentation at a local company, she requested an captioner, the captioner came, however the company could not provide a tv monitor, and they were trying to figure out...
  9. bbaseballboy123

    how fast does cochlear deliver CI stuffs?

    i ordered a new wire and a few hooks for my N5 3 days ago, got the shipment two days ago. All free of course.
  10. bbaseballboy123

    FM advantages

    no offense to those who use it but omg FM is the most annoying piece of item they can have. Every time, there's always a moment where the user of the FM pauses a class or presentation simply because the speaker is not hooked up with the FM system. Its soo annoying to wait 2 minutes while they...
  11. bbaseballboy123

    Med EL or new Nucleus 5?

    What does the app do?
  12. bbaseballboy123

    Anyone with profound loss use a mobile??

    yeah, i recently upgraded to a driod phone. the phone works so well with my t-coil. But i was always able to use cell phones since i had one.
  13. bbaseballboy123

    Vibrating Alarm Clocks & Mattresses?

    I just got my sonic bomb alarm clock few weeks ago and i just taped it to the top of the mattress right under the pillow, works very well!
  14. bbaseballboy123

    Retinal Implants?

    shouldn't the blind people be against this because of the blind culture? Only way to be part of the blind culture is to be blind? /sarcasm I hope this will someday become so developed that they can see almost as much as a normal eye... or even better like x-raying like superman!
  15. bbaseballboy123

    10 people with + on ab Ci /10 people with - on ab ci

    just broke of age. Nothing technology will last forever. I knew it broke because it kept randomly turn on and off so i had it tested and the eletros were broken inside. But that shouldnt hinder you from choosing AB because know this... IT WILL break eventually with ANY company.
  16. bbaseballboy123

    Violent "sonic bomb" alarm clock bed shaker.

    soon, my mom will not be my alert clock anymore... I just ordered a sonic boom.
  17. bbaseballboy123

    How to listen to music, the best way?

    just take off the fm? Cause direct audio cable is amazing. For me, its either the cable, or my computer/car speakers. Or you can just get LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, music always sounds better then, even extremely shitty bit-rate music lol
  18. bbaseballboy123

    Is your hearing with your CI good enough to speak on the phone?

    gotta try the audio cable when i get a new phone. thats only gonna make my life easier.
  19. bbaseballboy123

    10 people with + on ab Ci /10 people with - on ab ci

    had ab on my right for about 12+ years until it broke, got my left implanted with ab when i was 15, still works.
  20. bbaseballboy123

    eligible for cochlear implant and many questions

    I honestly wished I went with AB. They have a better sound quality processor and IMO think they got a better future since they parterned up with a large hearing aid company (i forgot the name, someone back me up please :)) I will post more later, just busy right now