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  1. bbaseballboy123


    That's fine, I actually need to learn the ASL grammer :) But why do you refused to be implanted? Just curious, not going to bite ya ;)
  2. bbaseballboy123

    Cochlear or No Cochlear?

    Honestly, I am one of those people who keeps get emails from new members on this site, and see many threads that have the same exact questions as this one, and many other topics. I have contributed to those threads, go check them out. I'm not going to re-post my answers/responses again on yet...
  3. bbaseballboy123


    one at age of 3, and then one 2 years ago (age 16). Both by AB. And they didnt stop completely working, but it would randomly go on and off. And to Smithtr: I don't understand your first question? But I did have the implant removed and re-implant the same day. 3-4 hours process instead of 2...
  4. bbaseballboy123


    broke internally (age, got old), got it re-implanted, hear just as well as I did before.
  5. bbaseballboy123


    to hear again..
  6. bbaseballboy123

    Student Research: Cochlear Implant Controversy

    I should probably mention by now that I am part of RIT now. Its a very friendly community indeed.
  7. bbaseballboy123

    Student Research: Cochlear Implant Controversy

    I remember 2 summers ago, when I was there for a computer program, they literally forced me to try to sign, voice off (i didnt know any at the time)
  8. bbaseballboy123

    Student Research: Cochlear Implant Controversy

    I feel like people in general find it a lot worst than it really is. At RIT, I rarely encounter any people that are against CI or say shit. I think the reason is because they just don't care. Its your life, do what you want to do, get an implant, or don't. I do have it a little easier since I...
  9. bbaseballboy123

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    gotten fairly fluent over this summer. I would love to continue learning by chatting with sonmeone interesting! (yessssss i will ask you to finger spell some a sign i dont understand or ask whats the sign this "blah" act.)
  10. bbaseballboy123

    What to pick: AB or Cochlear?

    The t-mic picks up more sounds since the mic is in the ear canal. Sound is natural going into the canal of the ear, not on top of the ear where the mics are for the N5. You can use the phone for both, but the t-mic mad it a lot easier to hear than N5. But you can have the N5 t-coil turned on...
  11. bbaseballboy123

    Cochlear Nucleus 5 implant is back on market

    id rather have the N5 since its sexier and thinner lol. Besides its newer. Mostly, newer is better.
  12. bbaseballboy123

    Cochlear Implant advise

    Early for me was age of 2 and I still talk at a level that people still dont know that I'm deaf until I say I am lol. It has to do with timing, and speech support you receieve. I also was lucky to speak at a level where I am today
  13. bbaseballboy123

    What to pick: AB or Cochlear?

    Yes, Cochlear offers sexier and overal better processor for this generation of BTE implants. But I will say that the Harmony has a better sound system than the N5. In fact, I sometimes really hate N5's mics but I remember that I really loved my Harmony's T-mic. Check out the links in my sig...
  14. bbaseballboy123

    Just saying....

    i loved them and my friends like them too. Sometimes it doesnt work but we fixed this by sitting a little closer to the screen to get a better sinlge
  15. bbaseballboy123

    Cochlear Implant advise

    I am one of the proud people to be implanted as a baby. I always say, implanting a baby is like training a puppy. Its easier for them to hear/ and have good speech if they start training early. I know many people have a really hard time trying to adapt to an implant if they wait til their old...
  16. bbaseballboy123

    I am considering Gallaudet University

    I mean i understand why you wanna go to gally, but doesn't texas provide free education for the deaf?