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  1. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    I started a new thread. Check this out! :)
  2. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    I heard. Thankfully We live in USA!
  3. M

    Unbelieveable Shockin' (Watch The Video)

    After watch this video, it broke my heart. :( I don't get some people who would want to hurt their children. I don't think her mom and stepdad's sentences are good enough... Both should get death sentences instead. This innocent girl didn't deserve to live that way. Too bad her father had to...
  4. M

    Come on and show us your beautiful skyline! :)

    Great pictures! Its amazing to see old pictures of Bellevue before it changed a lot in the past two years.
  5. M

    Come on and show us your beautiful skyline! :)

    Find the better picture(s) of your city skyline. If your city doesn't have skyscrapers, you can show us your city's downtown area too. :) Here is my city, Seattle, Washington skyline. I took these pictures of it. Your turn to show off of your city! :)
  6. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    It is weird to see Seattle skyscrapers look somewhat empty. I'm glad Seattle economy is booming as crazy and filled up all skyscrapers and light up more at night time now! :)
  7. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    I am sorry I don't like this building at all. It is an eyesore. I'm thankful it didn't get built in USA. North Korea just have no taste in architecture period.
  8. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Too expensive to do that. NOOO!!! I want to see the lights on the skyscrapers. It create amazing to look at night time like this Can you imagine any cities to be in dark without any light? No I don't think so! :)
  9. M

    Educational Interpreters and Access to Education for Deaf and HOH Students

    Are you sure? Every teacher should know it before they gets their degrees in teaching. If not... Education system needs to transform asap. I don't think that many republican/democrat governors or US presidents are really aware of current education issues. They just changed the laws or pass...
  10. M

    Ex-'Top Chef' contestant beaten in Sea Cliff

    Sighs... Not another hate crime. :( These people who attacked her are gays too! These people need to stop picking on gays and come out! STUPID PEOPLE! :pissed: These cops aren't doing their jobs! They should get fired for wasted ours taxes money by unable to do their jobs right!
  11. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Perverts! :giggle: I live in downtown Seattle area and where dozens of new condo buildings were built since 1999 and some of them are still under construction right now. You will be surprised that you can see most of condo units from the street level if you look up at these condo buildings. I...
  12. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    I have to post the pictures of Seattle's Public Library that is across from 5th and Madison building. Its really huge and futuristic looking building. I took the pictures of it last March. Only part is more challenge for me to take the picture since Seattle Public Library is really huge...
  13. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Of course! I will post it. Here is 5th and Madison! :) I took the picture of it when it was nearby completed. It was last March I think.
  14. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    YAY! We miss you! :grouphug: Yeah Blue/Green is more modern and trendy.
  15. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    It is OKAY to disagree! :)
  16. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Gold is one of ugliest colors! It is so 60/70s! I love blue/green glass! :)
  17. M

    Transgenders faced discrimination in Seattle, Washington. :(

    True. It would violate Bill of Right based on freedom speech if that law passes. I personally think its good idea to have the laws that would stop people from saying hateful and negative comments against another minorities. I am still not sure how it works because many people will have no...
  18. M

    Transgenders faced discrimination in Seattle, Washington. :(

    No problem! Jude Law and Uma Thompson (I think) are in that movie.
  19. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Gold? Ewwwww!!! :Ohno: