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  1. M

    What's your favorite sushi?

    You can't talk until you try them first! :) I love them! Ones of best foods even I had! :)
  2. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Excellent comparison! :) Anyone else? They said they will have 162 but there is talk of having more floors to be added but not officially yet. Wrong. Burj Dubai is two-third way to top off. That means more than ten stories. Actually, Dubai have a proposed mega-tall, Al Burj that...
  3. M

    Brokeback Mountain

    I seen that movie. Its good but I wish it wouldn't be too long movie. I hate long movies. :(
  4. M

    Deaf Gay Chat?

    Yeah I used to go there too but not anymore too. Its very boring and not many people participle. Some of people was rude. Many deaf gays usually chat though myspace then exchange aol aim.
  5. M

    Rename "The Closet"

    Please read the previous pages of this thread and The answers are right there.
  6. M

    Transgenders faced discrimination in Seattle, Washington. :(

    That is your problem. I am not doing this just because I don't like your opinion or view. I am doing this to educate you and make sure you understand what transgenders are dealing with lately. If you have an issues with transgenders then you're not true friend to your ex. Your ex doesn't need to...
  7. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Yeah come on guys, show your comparison of any cities that have something in common! :)
  8. M

    Reason why being Deaf is great!

    LOL! Naw! I rather to give them the hard time! :mrgreen:
  9. M

    Good alarm for deaf student

    With or without anything can make any noises. That is because something inside the vibrator that cause it to vibrate makes noises just like rattle.
  10. M

    Transgenders faced discrimination in Seattle, Washington. :(

    I don't think I jump to the conclusion at all. First of all, you didn't state anything related to your experiences at the first place. You ONLY stated your opinions which is obvious you never met one before in your life or unwilling to understand them first before you judge. That is why some...
  11. M

    Who is single here?

    I know. Thanks! :)
  12. M

    Reason why being Deaf is great!

    Haha! I refuse to buy a house near the airport. It will be bad real estate investment since not everyone wants to live near the airport. Also I don't want to hear or feel the vibrate when the airplanes get off or landing.
  13. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    I noticed that Seattle, Washington; Sydney, Austrailia; and Auckland, New Zealand have something in common. These pictures are not mine. Seattle, Washington Sydney, Australia Auckland, New Zealand All three cities have something in commons: -Observation tower -Ones of...
  14. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Any cities around the world.
  15. M

    Rename "The Closet"

    To change the name of "The Closet".
  16. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Wanna compare two or three or so cities to see if all cities have something in common?
  17. M

    Rename "The Closet"

    Yeah me too! What took it so long? The mods said it will be several weeks. It been months now. What's up with that?
  18. M

    my video with short joke

    ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!!! :rofl:
  19. M

    Amish Plane

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Freaky Cat, I seriously love your sense of humor! You rocks!
  20. M

    pics of you

    Cute picture! You look like one of my favorite actresses, Armanda Peet. Have anyone tell you that before? :)