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  1. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Excellent comparion! New York City and Hong Kong have a lot of things in common!
  2. M

    More ideas for re-name The Closet

    It is nothing do with this. I noticed no one really share their ideas what to re-name The Closet so I decided to try it again. No worries! :)
  3. M

    Rename "The Closet"

    No problem. I created a new thread. Check it out!
  4. M

    More ideas for re-name The Closet

    I posted another thread that included the poll and I asked for any members to come up with new ideas that isn't on the poll. No one bought it up so I think I can try again to see if you guys have new ideas to re-name The closet. GLBT Lounge is seen very popular to re-name The Closet so far...
  5. M

    Rename "The Closet"

    Actually I waited for a several weeks before I created this poll. Few names that some members suggested sounds not professional or inappropriate like this "Yep! I am gay!" or "Wet Lounge" or something like that. However, not many people bought up the ideas. That is something that we all have to...
  6. M

    Amish Plane

    This hilarious joke that I got it when I attended Western Oregon University... At Amish country... Mayor of Amish country call for town meeting... Around 300 people attended to the meeting... A special guest speaker came up on the stage and asked the audience... Anyone believe in...
  7. M

    Amish Plane

    LMAO!!!!!!! I heard that joke before but still funny as hell!
  8. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    You have to see it in person. It is way beautiful in person! See Enron Tower II (first picture) was built recently to house Enron but never happened. Enron collapsed just few months before Enron Tower II completed.
  9. M

    Come on and show us your beautiful skyline! :)

    Thanks! :) Looking forward to see your pictures! :)
  10. M

    Rename "The Closet"

    Please read it again. I included some of members' suggestions on that poll. I also asked any members to come up new name ideas which wasn't on that poll. That poll isn't officially decided. It is seen like GLBT Lounge is popular name to re-name The Closet so far.
  11. M

    ....Starbucks varies, anyone?

    Actually, Starbucks never get jealous of any its competitors. Starbucks' competitors exists because of Starbucks. Many competitors are jealous of Starbucks because of succession. Why do you think Starbucks is very successful? Starbucks got better drinks, management, support communities more than...
  12. M

    Reason why being Deaf is great!

    Haha I thought you meant you live really close to the airport. 8 miles away isn't so bad depends what the route where the planes are flying. I'm glad you found perfect house for you guys! :)
  13. M

    you cannot hear yourself if you make any noise

    Hahaha! Keep it up being really loud at the game! They need to hear your support! GO DIXIE! :)
  14. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Yeah. Houston got no zoning which is why they got sprawling of skyscrapers. You can build a skyscraper next to the suburban homes and they can't object to it because of no zoning law exist in Houston. I love this skyscraper, Enron Tower 1 & 2 in downtown Houston.
  15. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    I agree. Los Angeles doesn't deserve this mega tall building at all. I rather to see it to get built in Chicago or Houston. I am more leaning toward to Chicago because Chicago already have a mega-tall under construction right now. It would help balance Chicago skyline better with high diversity...
  16. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Good question. I am not sure about that. There is a developer that wants to build world's next tallest building that will have over 200 stories tall in USA. He haven't decide which US cities to build at yet. He is thinking about Los Angeles or Houston or Chicago. He said it will be over...
  17. M

    What's your favorite sushi?

    :giggle: I recommend you to go to Seattle and try it there. Seattle got best sushi than most of US cities I been to.
  18. M

    Come on and show us your beautiful skyline! :)

    WOW at Tokyo, Japan pictures! I can't imagine myself living in that city. It is seen like its hard to get around since everything is so jammed together. I wonder how more than 33 million Japaneses live this lifestyle in that huge city.
  19. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    LOL! We will see about that! :) In Dubai, anything is possible. Dubai is kind of city with attitude like OKAY! NO PROBLEM! LET BUILD IT! That is why Dubai is extremely out of control with constructions and explosive population growth (800 people moving to Dubai daily).
  20. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries

    Just want to inform you. :)