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  1. M

    Dear Joshua

    It is seen like no one have nothing else to talk about.
  2. M

    I have questions for deaf people who goes or went to colleges

    Very true. In my experience, my old high school in California before I transferred to different high school in Oregon... That old high school has so many teachers who have absolutely have no motivation in teaching. All they did was just pass out the assignments for us to work on it. They never...
  3. M

    Matthew Shepard Act is getting closer!

    Last time I read that said Iraq alone. It didn't count Afghanistan. That is really good question. If that included that, I would estimate nearby one million people died by George W. Bush. I don't like this. :( Oops! My mistake! Sorry about that. I completely agree with you! Deal. We...
  4. M

    Dear Joshua

    Thanks for cleared it up. :) No worries. I do that sometime too.
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    I have questions for deaf people who goes or went to colleges

    ^^^ I'm not surprised about hearing people are not doing well at school either. It is obviously both deaf/hearing children comes from the family with different backgrounds that affects their education and motivation. I met too many lowlife/not so smart hearing people. That is because their...
  6. M

    Matthew Shepard Act is getting closer!

    He has no heart for anyone. Over 700,000 people died because of him. Will it make any difference if anyone kidnaps his daughters and threaten him that they would hurt their daughters. I wonder if he would protect his daughters or not? If he does care, I would be in shock for sure. :roll...
  7. M

    you cannot hear yourself if you make any noise

    Lucia, I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. You don't deserve to get yelled like that. Your dad should know better. That remind me of my dad a bit too. He always yell at me when I make any noises. Funny thing, after I get my cochlear implant, it turned out that my dad made TONS of noises...
  8. M

    Matthew Shepard Act is getting closer!

    Honey, many people fought against these dirty cops but the government always on the cops side no matter how bad liars they are. We DO need a new law to protect gays and transgenders. It is easy for you to say that because you have no clue what they went though.
  9. M

    Transgender AD from Italy (Really cool!)

    Good points. I think they should add a bit to make it more sense. You know?
  10. M

    Matthew Shepard Act is getting closer!

    I hope they will pass that law. The president Bush who wants to veto against this bill is huge homophobic coward period! Reba, I am not sure if you're aware that many states cops don't really do anything about gay bashing or hate crime against gays. The cops saw the incidents, they...
  11. M

    EU's stand against gay executions

    In my opinion, Middle East countries are most fucked up countries period. They will not change for another thousand years. :ugh3:
  12. M

    Dear Joshua

    Oh okay. Your last post said, "My washed my mp3 player in the laundry last night" You didn't say "son" :giggle: Next time, pay attention to your grammar. :)
  13. M

    Hate Crimes in Seattle, Washington :(

    True. We, Seattle people need to do something to stop that from happening again and keep the reputation as safe city for homosexuals and transgenders. People need do that too for their own cities than depending on Seattle or San Fransisco being safe cities for these kind of minorities. That...
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    Hate Crimes in Seattle, Washington :(

    Will do that! :)
  15. M

    Come on and show us your beautiful skyline! :)

    I said "Over" 6. Yes Seattle is growing really out of control lately... We are expecting two million people to live in Seattle metro area within two decades from now. That's correct. Last time I heard that Downtown Seattle have around 19-22 skyscrapers under construction right now since they...
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    Hate Crimes in Seattle, Washington :(

    I googled it up recently and couldn't find any organizations that involves stop gay-hating. I will ask few of my friends since they are very active in Seattle's GLBT community and organizations.
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    Hate Crimes in Seattle, Washington :(

    That hate crimes make me very angry for few reasons. 1. Seattle, Washington supposed to be safe place for homosexuals to go public without any harressment/assaults. Now it is seen like Seattle is becoming unsafe for homosexuals. 2. If these people who hate gays so much... Why do they have...
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    Hate Crimes in Seattle, Washington :(

    Two charged in previously unreported Capitol Hill Gay-bashing Men threaten to kill two people, use anti-Gay slurs by Robert Raketty - SGN Staff Writer Two people told police that their lives were threatened and were called anti-Gay slurs by two men during the early morning hours of...
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    Skyscrapers in other countries #2

    Haha! Interesting...
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    Skyscrapers in other countries #2

    In Arkansas right? I'm somewhat surprised that your state have high percentage of hispanic already.