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  1. christlovedeaf


    Mmm, I think raisin can get old, that is obvious., grape getting wrinkled. LOL and fruit grows then rot. lol
  2. christlovedeaf

    Ruth Graham in a coma, close to death

    Im about to make a thread about this. They are very blessed couples. Our prayers be with her, Billy and families.
  3. christlovedeaf

    Duggar Family

    As long they are like family as team work and lots of love by lot of things as supporting one another, helping one another, communicating one another.
  4. christlovedeaf

    OMG,OMG, OMG, Screaming ... Looking Here!!!

    :birthday: :birthday: to Rose, but Angel and Cheri, I already mentioned on writing section from RR. ;)
  5. christlovedeaf

    is fruit part of dessert?

    haha, yeah, tomato sauce ;)
  6. christlovedeaf

    World Slaughter House

    I, myself, couldn't bear to hunt and never have been. But I do eat meat. It is difficult to understand the purpose of meat. More as of food chain. Like wildcats eat antelope or other wild, wolves eat other animals. Bears eat other animals. Are they cruel? Many time by saying, oh, that is part of...
  7. christlovedeaf


    That would be really something. That would be impossible to survive if a person be vegitarian and fruitarian. I love fruits, even fruit drinks. If I don't eat banana, then I will go banana :giggle: ,if I don't eat nuts, then I would be nut.:giggle: If I don't eat peas, then how it possible to be...
  8. christlovedeaf

    Are you OUT ?

    I'm out started around 4 yrs ago.
  9. christlovedeaf

    ~On This Day~

    That's a beautiful poem, RR AND :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :party: :party: :party: :party: Pam and Cheri
  10. christlovedeaf

    Game!! Who is that Guy!!! Guess who!! :):)

    ahhaa, obvious that is william shatner, of boston legal and star trek
  11. christlovedeaf

    Did am I right to do about not truth married :(:(

    Husband and wife alone need to admit, not someone else. Now, if he is gay, and he is struggling the lifestyle as he loves her. His wife is very responsible to do to please her husband in everyway. If a 3rd party constantly inteferes btwn them two, it will be very hard on the husband. Bec I'm one...
  12. christlovedeaf


    I ve been seeing someone mentioned that. Not to familiar with her and the way I see her poor attitudes. Which I don't blame you and everyone else to ignore her improper behaviors.
  13. christlovedeaf

    Do you treat human and animal equal?

    It's depends on the situation. Even, they are not desire to do so, even heartache. Just like horse, remember, the broken leg and try everything they can? How it goes? Gone worse, and there are nothing they can do. It is very painful. Bec animals are not similar as humans in health issues. There...
  14. christlovedeaf


    Wow, you are twisting everything around and trying to figure it out to keep men down. As I read after your comment to me, seem like all others been offended by you include myself feeling the same way. You need to chill and quit been such a hateful person and cruel to everyone and disrespect alot...
  15. christlovedeaf


    Well, deaf, this is how you feel about men, I feel the same way about women, that is why its soo hard for me to have a woman. Bec, very selfish, bitchy, controlling over men, very professional liars look very honesty, but liars. Bec I have been treated the same way about women. So, do I complain...
  16. christlovedeaf


    Deaflimedia, there are women is as bad and there are women who abandon kids and their are good fathers who trying to raise kids and their are women who are materialistic for women's need other than kids. I have seen it myself. And pretty racist to me as I see your comments. Each individual...
  17. christlovedeaf

    :(:(:( to PuyoPiyo :(:(

    :dance2: :dance2: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :dance2: :dance2: :dance: :dance: :dance: :party: :party: :party: :party: :hug:
  18. christlovedeaf

    The Closet Poll

    That is exactly right, Puy. That's what some straight need to understand and how you describe about heterphobe, is all good point, it's only part, is being an attitude regard either gay or str8.