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  1. christlovedeaf

    Ada Law Donot Protect Hard Of Hearing People!

    Been discussing about the issue in the meeting and learned alot and it is overwhelming. ADA law has been put in more more and more and there are adding, I couldn't get it all the message. Can't remember what it is. I think it is in my file in my room, not sure. Like back in Bush signing in the...
  2. christlovedeaf

    Rude employee at McDonalds

    I believe Puy thought might spell it, bec I spelled it, yeah, I know alot alot love those. No complaint about that. lol
  3. christlovedeaf

    Rude employee at McDonalds

    haha, good eye, bec I am the one misspelling it, sorry, yeah, that is the correct spelling of bagel instead of bagle, or is it bugle? lol
  4. christlovedeaf

    Rude employee at McDonalds

    I know alot of them love those, which I wish I do, but I don't like those. Oh wellie ( ;) )
  5. christlovedeaf

    World Slaughter House

    My mom told me back then, when she was young, she had rocky mountain oyster (bull's nuts), she said it was very delicious. I never had that and even I didn't know you eat those. LOL
  6. christlovedeaf

    Brokeback Mountain

    Queer as Folks is awesome show. I love it. We try to save money for full season.
  7. christlovedeaf

    Rude employee at McDonalds

    haha, yeah, depend where, mine the other way, I love biscuit, not muffins, lol even cant stand bagle.
  8. christlovedeaf

    Anyone who going to World Federation of the Deaf in Madrid, Spain....

    That's cool and I have never heard of that. That's sounds interesting.
  9. christlovedeaf

    why can't people have ordinary sex?

    There ya go, puy. Good one.
  10. christlovedeaf

    Hello! Hello!

    :welcome: to alldeaf and hope you enjoying it here
  11. christlovedeaf

    Hello Everyone!

    :welcome:to alldeaf and hope you feeling warm welcoming.
  12. christlovedeaf

    Home Made Tattoo on YouTube

    Many places include oklahomo and South Carolina is illegal to do that.
  13. christlovedeaf


    :welcome: to alldeaf and hope you feeling warm welcoming here. smile
  14. christlovedeaf

    Sup old bean?

    wow, cool, 2 hours from here, :welcome: to alldeaf and hope you feeling warm welcoming. smile
  15. christlovedeaf


    hang in there, smile, :welcome:to alldeaf and hope you feeling warm welcoming
  16. christlovedeaf

    Hola from AZ!!!

    wow, cool, :welcome: to alldeaf and hope you feeling warm welcoming here.
  17. christlovedeaf

    World Slaughter House

    I love oysters. I love gyros. I'm over crazed.
  18. christlovedeaf

    Do animal have soul?

    I know it is frustrated. Now, since we couldnt say anything further, who goes the unbelievers, see christians doesn't know. LOL The truth we do know the answer, but yes, it is forbidden to discuss in christian's pov.
  19. christlovedeaf

    Male Body Shave

    haha, he been doing that all over me.
  20. christlovedeaf

    Male Body Shave
