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  1. christlovedeaf

    Saying Hello from TN..

    well, :welcome: to alldeaf and surely hope you enjoying it here.
  2. christlovedeaf

    love after marriage ?

    It is a good thing, when you and your fiance (or fiancee) be serious one another and hope you both be the best in your marriage. :hug:
  3. christlovedeaf

    List USA states & countries you have touched.

    Been to California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahomo, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana...
  4. christlovedeaf

    love after marriage ?

    Sadly, alot of them don't use it properly. Like this for a moment, why you have to look great before marriage and act differently after marriage. Glutton you want, rude to each other, claiming to be committing to each other, but mostly still hang on to parents and let them control and etc. It...
  5. christlovedeaf

    You're not going to believe this . . .

    Its very rare to find honest people. Like my bf and I, we met thru yahoo chat room, I was from Oklahomo and he's from here in Ohio and now in Nov 1, we have been together for almost 4 yrs
  6. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    Thanks sweetie,:hug:
  7. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    Thanks so much
  8. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    Thanks for the compliment and I know you don't believe in God and even tho God doesnt force anyone, so I won't either. smile
  9. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

  10. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    thanks so much, tweety
  11. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    hahah, thanks, hun:ty::giggle::whip:
  12. christlovedeaf

    "What is The Meaning or Reason Behind Your Alldeaf name"

    Well at first was hottiedeafboi, now change to christlovedeaf. As of sn I like to share that with others that Christ does love deaf people.
  13. christlovedeaf


    Congratulation, For Your New Family.
  14. christlovedeaf

    Just a simple Hi.

    :welcome: to alldeaf and surely hope you feeling welcoming here. Be happy who you are, smile
  15. christlovedeaf

    New Member from Ontario Canada

    :welcome: to alldeaf and hope you feel warm welcoming here
  16. christlovedeaf

    Who have you met or would like to on AD?

    Stop by in Ohio, when you get the chance to come to the States.
  17. christlovedeaf

    Who have you met or would like to on AD?

    I would,:dance2::bump::wave::whistle:
  18. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    Thanks, winks
  19. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    Thanks, winks
  20. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    You're very welcome, sistah