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  1. christlovedeaf

    Ever Try Bowflex

    Lately, I have been working out on my bowflex for long time, but havent been for about 7 yrs before I go back into it a month ago to get back in shape. wonder if anyone of you ever try bowflex, its really worth it. This pic, one sent me which thought it was me, but it isnt, this is what my body...
  2. christlovedeaf

    Football Season is here woohooo!!!

    FOR DALLAS CHICKENBOYS, OOPS COWBOYS :barf::barf::booty: HAHAHA, well I do love Pitts, Seattle, and Miami, but as of college goes, I love OHIO STATE, OKLAHOMO AND OKLAHOMO STATE, GEORGIA DAWGS, FLAWDA AND FLAWDA STATE.
  3. christlovedeaf

    my name ertugrul (turkey)

    wow, you look great there. Turkey, huh? Awesome, welcome to all deaf here. smile
  4. christlovedeaf

    Trapped Coal Miners in Utah

    Yeah, it is so sad. Bringing more depressing report. My prayers out for the family who are rescuers and also the missings.
  5. christlovedeaf

    Wife Who Killed Preacher Set Free

    Murder does have no exceptions. Murder steals a person 2nd chance or remorse or something. We cant assume what he might do to his wife. Each is different in different circumstances. Whether we believe her or not won't solve anything. That's one problem, what is the point by what other thinks if...
  6. christlovedeaf

    Hi from Ohio :)

    :welcome: to alldeaf and hope you feeling warm welcoming here, and I'm here in Ohio too. welcome aboard.
  7. christlovedeaf

    pics of you

    ya ll look soo great. Thanks for sharing with us. Great great pix. :ily:
  8. christlovedeaf

    Ohio man charged with exposing his breasts

    Everything in the legal system is out of concept and abusive and cruelty. I wonder he could be charge as a sex offenders. Half of the sex offenders are actually bec varies of ways, shower rooms, need to go to bathroom and etc. It is so much hypes going on. And the society is deterioating. I...
  9. christlovedeaf

    Church Cancels Memorial for Gay Vet

    It is very unchristlike church. Honor the gossipers, liars, backstabbing, but gays, sorry. You know what? There are many churches are like stumbling blocks. Jesus talked about it. As Jesus said, God is more tolerable to Tyre, Sodom and Gomorrah, but intolerable toward religious leaders. Many...
  10. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    aaaww, thanks so much, sweetie, winks
  11. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    haha, Yea, I used to live in moore, and now live in ohio. I love ohio alot better. Do I know you?
  12. christlovedeaf

    List USA states & countries you have touched.

    Hehehe, CORRECTION: St Louis is in Missouri, not Minnesota ;) or you are thinking of St Olaf, Minnesota where Rose Nylund ( Golden Girls) from? :D
  13. christlovedeaf

    Professional pictures are here!

    Hot damn. You look, in here for me to say something? I couldnt. teehee and btw thanks for the compliment of pic of me too.
  14. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    OH yeah, how could I forget about you and wow, I would love to see that
  15. christlovedeaf

    Thought to share recent pic of me

    Thanks soo much
  16. christlovedeaf

    **News Flash!!** Major Post Barrier...

    CONGRATS OF YOUR POSTWHORING HERE, VAMPY:dance2::dance2::party::party::party::h5::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:
  17. christlovedeaf

    love after marriage ?

    :) wise consideration.
  18. christlovedeaf

    love after marriage ?

    If I were you, rather wait for marriage, but first meet each other, be more safest way to do. Bec marriage is a serious thing. Divorce is overly high rating, bec lack of understanding of marriage. Highest part is, Finances, sex and in laws.
  19. christlovedeaf

    love after marriage ?

    wow, really, well, I hope this is honesty to one another and hope you both be sincere. Like me, i met my bf thru yahoo chat, been together will be 4 yrs in nov. So it is one of the rarest and surely hope yours in the category.
  20. christlovedeaf

    New! hello

    :welcome: to alldeaf and hope you enjoying it here so far.