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  1. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    Nope, it doesn't sound boring at all! :D Actually, I'm a tech nerd myself! XD But, with the details you told me it's perfect with everything! And, it has no static noise whatsoever?
  2. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    So, which one would you recommend for me? Or should the audiologist be the one to recommend what's best for me?
  3. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    Yay! We buds! XD Okay, so the trade is free and everything, that's good deal! I like the exchange better instead of having to buy it. Well, I will definitely do that on the first day of school and hope it works out better! :D
  4. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    Hm, so if I trade my Phonak for another one, it won't cost? That does sound fair. Oh, to answer your question, yes, it's Campus S. I never had my audiologist come in to my school to check up on it. It's usually my teacher of the deaf taking it in if any problem is occurring, but I will...
  5. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    Well, I never told my IEP teacher before because I was so used to letting the deaf teacher know what is going on. Now, I know what to do. I really want to focus better in class, that's all I want. No more distraction.
  6. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    Hm, interesting. I shall keep that in mind on the first day of school and let my IEP manager know that. I thought teacher of the deaf are suppose to be in charge of FM system?
  7. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    It's the school property. The school paid for it and I do use it (because everyone expects me to do anyway).
  8. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    True, but I rarely say it in person. Only in my mind or to certain people I trust to talk about. I just want to focus in class without any distraction going on, that's all. If I can get it fix, then I can focus with no problem.
  9. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    All year in my 11th grade, I wanted the FM system to be fixed because it has been causing me a lot of problem. However, I keep hearing the same excuse, the school can't/won't be able to afford it for the FM system to get fixed. I know it cost a lot, really, for what reasons? I want to know why...
  10. PrincessBetty1

    For Newbies

    This is much better.
  11. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    Yeah, but that's only when it's "required" to use it, right? Mine isn't required to use. It's more of "Use it when I need it" and everyone keeps forcing me to wear it. That thing is nothing but a distraction. My parents understands the crisis I'm going through, but they won't even say anything...
  12. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    Well, my hearing aids is no problem for me. I like listening with them and it relaxes me. However, I do understand, it's hard to get a clear sound with old hearing aids and such. I'm glad today is better. Hm, I believe the FM system wasn't around until mid to late 1980s. I remember how...
  13. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    One thing for sure, yes, FM system is a distraction for me as well.
  14. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    It's alright, I'm studying ASL mostly myself and taking it slowly, but some is triggering my childhood ASL memories. Anyway, I am provided for notes *except for math unless I ask for it* and it's already on my IEP when I need it. I have been thinking of getting an interpreter, but I need more...
  15. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    It doesn't say that I'm required to use FM system in the IEP, it saids if I need it. Most of the time, I feel everyone wants me to use it by force. However, I want out of it. I mean, I know quite well on my IEP for what's required and everything. My deaf teacher only said that just to get me...
  16. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    I have an IEP, just said if I need it. I don't see the big deal. I doesn't it's required or anything.
  17. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    That's quite sneaky. I usually turned off my FM receiever that's on my right ear and just go along with everyone in classroom, though, one of my teachers was okay with it as long I was paying attention in class.
  18. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    Of course!!! That what I was thinking, my grades would go up high if I don't have the FM system! I noticed that once in a whole February month when in 7th grade, it went up so high! I knew from straight on I could make my grades a whole lot better. Thanks.
  19. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    I thought I was right about that! All this time, my deaf teacher said that it was illegal to stop using it. I didn't want to get anyone in trouble because of that. Hm...I'll think about the interpreter, though.
  20. PrincessBetty1

    Operation on Ear Nerve Damage?

    Yeah, I kind of already knew that. I'm new and a friend of mine trying to help me out. Don't worry, that won't happen again. ^^; Oh, okay, thanks for your honesty.