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  1. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    I plan on attending to Gally and that's good to know. I only have little knowledge of ASL. Of course, I am always openminded to a lot of things. ^_^ I never realize there are more to it before for oral skills. True, but at least I'm willing to make it up now. It's never too late, right?
  2. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    I already did let them know I am interested in taking ASL courses and everything to be provided. Okay, I will search into that about learning ASL, thanks! :D
  3. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    It's my first time to go to college that is filled with deaf people like everyone is on here. I have never been to a deaf community before and I'm nervous, even if it's two months away for the first day of college. I wanted to know, what is it like in a deaf community? How do I know I will...
  4. PrincessBetty1

    iCom experience?

    Hm, that would be good to know about the phone. Thanks for mentioning it. I believe he gave me that already, so I'm set. Ooh, yes, I will be sure to charge the battery every day then. Thanks for the heads up warning.
  5. PrincessBetty1

    iCom experience?

    Hello, I recently receive an iCom through my audiologist and it really got me going to use it. I am even using it right now and became so curious more to use it from school and at home experience. Currently, I am using it to listen music at the moment. I haven't tested out the phone since...
  6. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    My parents hear all of the stuff I have been going through. Seeing my audiologists is somewhat hard for me to attend to unless for need of new earmolds or hearing test. I don't my hearing insurance (Medicare - I think) and it cost too much to pay for. Hm...why do I have to fight with...
  7. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    That is definitely my plan to exchange the old FM system for a new one. I'm surely there's no doubt that my deaf teacher would not go against me on. I will be talking to my audiologist about this soon once my dad sets the appointment. Of course, that is why I am considering to talk to my...
  8. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    I don't think I could be able to go to a deaf school program because there isn't one available for me in NY. However, Deaf summer Camp I tried to save money, but it was too difficult and I never managed to accomplish my goal. So, now, I'm a bit over the age. I am 19 years old. So, I don't know...
  9. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    Well, I always tell everything to my parents about the FM System and my dad did say he would go to the school and talk to them about it. I am aware of changing the IEP and such, but the thing was my parents never seem to bring up the facts and it's hard to say something like that. It's mostly...
  10. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    Oh, I see what you mean. Well, I'm far sighted. I can see well, just the vision is 20/30 and 20/40. It's not so bad, though.
  11. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    LAWL, wow, that never happened to me before when losing something so small on the ground. I usually can spot something so obvious. XD But, I'm glad you found it and that you aren't insane.
  12. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    Oh, that happens a lot every time it drops! I hated having to fix it all by myself most of the time. Me too! I was looking nuts for the backup battery and nowhere to be found!? It was like, "What the heck?!" Oh, I know...technical difficulties is what drives me nuts! Like how it shuts off on...
  13. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    Fantastic! Now, I definitely want this! I can finally control volumes!!! :D
  14. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    I have been strong, they are just ignoring me and think, "Oh, she does need it" and I'm sick of it. I know I have my own right to not wear, the only time I would not wear it if it's a distraction/static problem/feeling sick - like ear infection or headache sort of thing to get out of it.
  15. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    Okay, so they are willing to help out. That does sound fair and good deal, I will look right into it and hope to find one. Thanks for telling me more about interpreter!
  16. PrincessBetty1

    Your School Story Experience to Share

    I wish I could, but I have to explain my action anyway unless somehow it actually becomes an accident. So, it would be my dream to see that happening.
  17. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    Definitely! Find what fits me and take a go for it! :D So, you can control how loud you want it to be?
  18. PrincessBetty1

    Why won't the school send in my FM system to get it fix?

    AWESOME! I will definitely take that as a go for FM system! :D --- Cool! :D