Search results

  1. PrincessBetty1

    Deaf PCOS with mood swing issue?

    I see you have a strong point in this. Of course, I did the medication and it helped a little. I quit because it put some weird irritation on my body. I will have a doctor to help me out on that. :) Thanks for the suggestions.
  2. PrincessBetty1

    Deaf PCOS with mood swing issue?

    I have noticed lately that I have become more emotional like annoyed, frustrated, angry, lonely, worried, stressed out, and more. I discovered I had PCOS in 2010 October to November. I am still learning all of this and meeting up several people that have PCOS. I want to know if my mood swing...
  3. PrincessBetty1

    Needs to escape from wearing HAs

    I just explained to my parents about this situation and so far, my dad is going to call in the audiologist for me. Though, thanks for the idea for Gally. :D That's something I didn't think of entirely! That will be a better advantage for next year! Thank you Bottesini for the suggestion. Also...
  4. PrincessBetty1

    Needs to escape from wearing HAs

    Lately, the entire summer has been somewhat relaxing. But, I'm tired having to listen lately. I'm so worn out, listening to conversation, and getting tired than ever. I feel like I lost more of my hearing or something like that. Everything feels so numb or cloudy sound. I'm not sick, this has...
  5. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    Why I want to go? Because all I ever felt is being an outsider, it's difficult to get involved conversation in mainstream, and I wanted to see what it is like to be in the deaf culture. I want to feel where I belong. Beside, ASL been with me since I was seven years old. I really want to be...
  6. PrincessBetty1

    Need a job in DC!! any help??

    You can go to the main site of Gally and find the word, "Career Center" and sign up for one. That way, once you get an email about it. You should be able to look out for available job.
  7. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    LOL! Yup! ASL seems easy for me to understand and I'm a strong visual person. :)
  8. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    Wow...I'm trying to find a way for jobs or even scholarships.
  9. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    Anyone has advice on scholarships or at least on job? I'm currently on a struggle for both at the moment.
  10. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    Well, I already told them that and all. They continue to believe it's meant for Deaf only as in use ASL completely. Which I do not always completely believes.
  11. PrincessBetty1

    Galladuet Tuition reduce by ereaders?

    True. I guess I would have to see it for myself then. Thanks for letting me know! :)
  12. PrincessBetty1

    Galladuet Tuition reduce by ereaders?

    Oh wow! :shock::lol: Awesome! That's good! So, what's the most expensive for a real book? And Ebook the most expensive? Just trying to get a grasp of more reality. :)
  13. PrincessBetty1

    Galladuet Tuition reduce by ereaders?

    Nice! 50% off a real book. So, say a book that cost $300, but half of it would be reduce to $150? That would be good! - Does not know the real prices, but realizes they are expensive.
  14. PrincessBetty1

    Galladuet Tuition reduce by ereaders?

    Oh, okay. Then, what sections are books are actually a part of? Personal needs? I'm still new to all of this. Anyway, how much money or percentage amount would I save then?
  15. PrincessBetty1

    Galladuet Tuition reduce by ereaders?

    I do really pay attention how everything cost and even discounts I can easily find or not. Now, I have my own ereader since I got them for Christmas. I love my ereader where it came with everything! :D So, my question is...will this reduce the prices for me if I take my ereader with me to...
  16. PrincessBetty1

    so i want to go to gallaudet after high school...

    coolgirlspyer90, I have been in your shoes and I finally convinced my parents about this situation. However, I live in NY. Anyway, what I did was research before I mentioned anything and just apply to see where your chances are. Your chances of being accepted is varied. You'd never know based...
  17. PrincessBetty1

    Any scholarship advice?

    If you are over 18 years old, you can look up for your state VESID where they can help you to pay for your education. See what they have to offer once you apply for them and everything and just wait at least two weeks. If you have not heard from them, then you should contact them as soon as...
  18. PrincessBetty1

    What is it like at Gallaudet University?

    From being accepted of a gally student. I have been looking into their community and everything. They are willing to help you out like a beginner ASL and your accommodation. Not only that, people are really friendly and out in the opening. They understand there are new signers are learning and...
  19. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    I am glad to hear there aren't just ASL user. My parents are concerned that it's a deaf college and believes they only uses ASL. I'm trying to explain to them that there are many like me, Oral Deaf and lack of ASL. I have been studying little by little each day.
  20. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    I am aware of the Jump Start New Signers and everything. It's just a little late for me to signed up for. Plus, it's like $250 in order to do it. However, I believe I will pick up very fast with Gally sooner than I expected. :D