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  1. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    Well, the minimum wages over at Gallaudet is actually $8.25, so that'll be more money this time and I do plan on taking part time. Hm, I guess it sounds easy enough to pay it all back soon. For the other stuff can be worked out differently and basic needs are always covered by me. But...
  2. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    Thanks! ^_^ Well, my parents aren't exactly into that. They just want me to do things their way all the time and I'm kind of tired of it. They're a bit too worried about me and extremely overly protected like any other parents.
  3. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    They disapproved it because my hearing level wasn't matching the level. I was .2 off to be required. My parents' income taxes isn't high at all, not with a family of six. =\
  4. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    I have heard that it's hard for my parents. They'd let me go if my entire college is already free, but they want me to be in range. Gallaudet is about seven hours away from where I live. I have sat down and talked to them about things, the things that are actually offered, what I can really...
  5. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    :) First off, thanks. I've been driven and motivated since 11th grade and fell in love with it since I read, "Friend of the Deaf" <3 Anyway, I'm not sure about loans. Is it that small? I do manage my money pretty well - considering the fact I watch how much I spent and manage to spend much...
  6. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    Hm, yeah, but each year I would owe $2,000, I handle my money budget pretty well. Just how can I handle good loans deal? I hear students loan tends to increase percentage pretty fast for certain amount of time and I have no knowledge about loans.
  7. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    I got accepted to Gallaudet and I was so happy to get in. I'm set for Fall 2012 and have the leadership scholarship, Vesid paying for Room and Board, and I'm now down to figure out how to pay $2,000 left. I'm already filling out ISSA form for more scholarship in need. I plan on taking work study...
  8. PrincessBetty1


    Interesting, I guess you could have asked them to speak up loudly since you couldn't hear them. xD
  9. PrincessBetty1


    Well, I am happy enough to have my permit and already got VESID covering driving school. Now, I am curious what should I expect on the very first day? I already know they said I have to bring my permit which I will bring with me. Is it the 5 hours course or real practice with driving? My...
  10. PrincessBetty1

    Seeking for better phones?

    Well, I'm thinking of a good budget to pay for each month. All I want is talk and text message. I intend to text a lot because of my friends, but I also call whenever I go to places. So, I will check into Verzion which I have. I do have Virgin Mobile out here, so it's pretty varied over here...
  11. PrincessBetty1

    Seeking for better phones?

    I'm currently looking for a new cell phone since I'm already getting annoyed with Tracfone and they aren't giving me much options. =\ I already had it up to here when I cannot call home so my parents know where I am and when I'm on my way home. Tracfone has gotten ridiculous now and I own one...
  12. PrincessBetty1

    Acne in my ears, what should I do to get rid of them?

    I am already annoyed with acnes on my skin, but now in my ears? I can't get rid of them out of my ears as easily I used to. I often clean my ears, but lately I can't end it. My ears are burning up everytime I have to listen with my hearing aids. I figured that mades it worst because I'm...
  13. PrincessBetty1

    Should I live on dorms or not?

    Yes, I have visited a couple of times. Hm, they're not actually required unless you're over two hours away from the college and then, they will require you to live on campus. I only live away about 20 to 40 minutes away. So, basically, I want to live on campus.
  14. PrincessBetty1

    Should I live on dorms or not?

    Very true with legal ages and I am free to make my own choices. I already did and it seems like affordable prices and I already know my scholarships chances. I would be able to get in for free. :)
  15. PrincessBetty1

    Should I live on dorms or not?

    I'm not worried about spending anything for the dorm. My VESID is paying for the entire thing. So, basically, I want to live on dorms. I have visited there a couple of times and haven't gotten to see the dorms yet. I have friends that are living there and mentioned good things living there. I...
  16. PrincessBetty1

    Should I live on dorms or not?

    LOL, I think you went to an all girl floor dorm, even if it's co-ed dorm building. Thankfully, shower privacy works out well. I figured how that may work out. Didn't they have other places for you to buy different food on the college ground? I wouldn't want to stomach pizza every single...
  17. PrincessBetty1

    Should I live on dorms or not?

    Actually, there are library place to study and that's always been my favorite place. Cooking my own food isn't much of a problem, I don't overdo cooking like birthday cake or more serious.
  18. PrincessBetty1

    Should I live on dorms or not?

    Glad to see a parent isn't holding their kid to miss out. :) I think I will.
  19. PrincessBetty1

    Should I live on dorms or not?

    I want to gather the facts right before I make my final decision with college. My VESID and I discussed out for my one semester plan. I think it's most reasonable plans I could ever have and feel more in control. From his words, he looked at the family's income and my chances are having a...
  20. PrincessBetty1

    First Timer to a deaf college

    That's why Buffalo is known to determination and stubbornness. So, basically, it's a challenge to deal with dhh in a hearing world.