Search results

  1. PrincessBetty1

    Beginner ASL course or Second year instead?

    I have known ASL since I was 7 years old, but it's the basic stuff like colors, numbers, songs to the words, food, drinks, greeting, etc... I used to sign very little up until 10. I stopped and then started again at 18 or 19, still learning more of the basic. and already grasping concept...
  2. PrincessBetty1

    What are the chances of passing a driver's test?

    Sure, first I just studied the book like most people do and took the test at the DMV building. I passed it and had to wait a few weeks to get my permit. Then, I had VESID covering the driving school payment and O'days driving school contacted me once they got paid. They had me to take the 5...
  3. PrincessBetty1

    Deaf/HOH scholarships

    I would recommend between applying to,, (this is probably more helpful), scholarshippoints, and that's all I can think of. Are you with VESID? You might want to check up and see what they can do to help or offer in to pay for your education. I wish you luck...
  4. PrincessBetty1

    Accepted to Gallaudet!

    I'm going this Fall in 2012 too! 8D I'm excited too and I'm relearning my ASL before it all starts. I forgot how fun signing can be and easier to communicate too! You can find out more with Gallaudet through and read their reviews. I had my review up for my thoughts of the...
  5. PrincessBetty1

    Are deaf kids bullied/harrassed more frequently than hearing kids in mainstream?

    From what I gathered in my friend's research about bully a couple of years ago, you're less luckily to be bullied if you had several friends and that parents should have looked after you. Sometimes, teachers should have caught other students treating you like this or at least suspect why you're...
  6. PrincessBetty1

    What are the chances of passing a driver's test?

    It's the states regulation and requirement to practice driving for at least 4 to 5 months. I went to O'days driving school, which is common here for the past 30 years or more.
  7. PrincessBetty1

    What are the chances of passing a driver's test?

    Well, I just did my test today and to announce it after all of your advice that relaxed me much better! So, I got my license! ;D I want to thank you all for the confidence and support! :dance2::h5::thumb:
  8. PrincessBetty1

    What are the chances of passing a driver's test?

    My test is next week Saturday and I believe I can pass it naturally - besides the fact how negative my instructor has towards me. Anyway, I have improved a lot over four months and had my 12th lesson today and will have another one tomorrow. The turning, parallel parking, 3 point turn, speed...
  9. PrincessBetty1

    Advice with writing

    I absolutely love writing! I seriously do! I have an amazing passion for it since I was seven years old and grown very close to learn English. I have become obsess with making my writing grammar free. I tried reading it out loud method, but I want to do it without having to rely on it. I mean...
  10. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    Hm, so going by a federal loan is more recommended? I'll look into that then. Thanks and I do plan to make extra money over the summer time. Well, I will be able to fill out FAFSA form in April, my dad hasn't done his taxes of the year yet. So, I'm glad to hear that for the support and all...
  11. PrincessBetty1

    Hating to use "spoken" English?

    I know how you feel. I was feeling that for about a few months lately. I grew up in a family of hearing and rarely, no one signs with me or even at least try. My brother did for a short time, but he stopped. When it comes to speaking, I always either mumble, too low, too loud, and I'm so...
  12. PrincessBetty1


    Okay! My second lessons actually turned out much better! He did not once say, "You're not listening" sort of the thing. Sure, I sensed a negative vibe from him a little, but it was easier to ignore this time. However, is there anything I should know about driving? He's still insisting I have...
  13. PrincessBetty1


    lol! Sounds like a lesson that your instructor and you will never forget!
  14. PrincessBetty1


    I'm glad I wasn't the only one that didn't have a problem with the instructor. He was like that constantly, "You're not listening, you're not listening" and it hurts so badly. I can feel that aggressive vibe around him. Of course, my dad is going to talk to the guy next friday and hopefully...
  15. PrincessBetty1


    Well, my first time driving was difficult. I mean, sure, I didn't really believe it was going to be easy. Although, I noticed that every time he says something, he's saying "You're not listening" and I'm trying hard. I'm not upset about it, but it hurts when he say that. I somehow do it...
  16. PrincessBetty1

    Clueless for birthday decorations

    It's one thing when it comes to making balloons and it takes awhile. However, decorating is where I'm not really skilled at. I used streamers, but they don't look pretty or too low. My decorations are always fixed by either my dad or my sisters. They enjoy it a lot. The problem is...I won't...
  17. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    I applied recently a few weeks ago, so I haven't heard anything from them at all yet.
  18. PrincessBetty1

    Gallaudet is perfect

    LOL, I plan on it so I wouldn't have to worry too much with a place to go to or much distraction from my family. Thanks! ^_^