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  1. DeafRaptor

    Guess who got new ears!!

    Congrats to your new ears. I also call them ears. I tell people I cannot understand them in the morning before I've put my ears and eyes (contacts) on.
  2. DeafRaptor

    Do you dream in Sign?

    When I dream, everyone uses telepathy and whatever is happening feels very important. No one else in my dream tries to fix the problem, so I know its my duty to fix it. I can have lucid dreams where I can fly (although sometimes I can't seem to get more than a foot off the ground :lol:). I...
  3. DeafRaptor

    Is "Deaf from Birth" a Minority Around Here?

    :deaf: Deaf from birth though with some residual hearing. Some people would say I was HOH from birth because I tried to be hearing since that was all I knew. I don't like to associate "HOH" with myself anymore. Because of my struggle to be hearing growing up, it has too many bad connotations...
  4. DeafRaptor

    My dad doesn't believe my hearing status has been a problem...

    I am just one person and I could tell him about my life. While I feel I would have succeeded even farther had I had ASL as well, I was able to learn to drive very well (better than some hearing I've seen); I was able to play all sorts of sports growing up; and I learned and mastered the flute...
  5. DeafRaptor

    Deaf Values

    Although I grew up with HAs and no ASL, I valued that I could still be a child AND be deaf. When playing with my two older brothers and twin sister (we always all played together), we didn't have to communicate with spoken words, we just played. And anyone out there who has studied...
  6. DeafRaptor

    Grew up with Hearing Aids: Are they still right for me?

    I really do appreciate your thoughts, unfortunately it seems I've already tried your ideas. The audiologist would scold me if I didn't keep the hearing aids clean and use the Dry & Store. :lol: When I had analog HAs growing up, I used to put the volume ALL the way up. I put up with the...
  7. DeafRaptor

    Were you lied by schools and/or parents that you were "hearing?"

    "Hearing-like" YES, my age is 28 and I am in Virginia. Growing up in Michigan and mainstreamed in a private religious elementary and high school, I was given hearing aids. It felt like they were telling me you are hearing, but not a whole person, so here are HAs. They also had me meet with a...
  8. DeafRaptor

    There's a Deaf Community around here somewhere...

    :ty: I was planning on contacting them on Monday. I am already taking a free online course to relearn what I forgot, but I'll check on any groups they have or know of that I can sign with in the meantime. When I finish with the online course I'll know better which course to take at Gallaudet...
  9. DeafRaptor

    There's a Deaf Community around here somewhere...

    If you've seen my earlier posts, you'd have seen that I was born deaf & raised oral. In my post titled "Grew up with Hearing Aids: Are they still right for me?", I talked about reasons I have considered giving up HAs/oralism. I didn't mention that my job could be at stake. I've been having a...
  10. DeafRaptor

    Grew up with Hearing Aids: Are they still right for me?

    Yeah, I have had many ear molds made over the years and several different offices make them. It's not the feel of the mold or the fitting. It's the environment it creates in my ear even trying to have it on only a few hours a day versus 8+ hours. The molds have even had proper vents. :|...
  11. DeafRaptor

    Grew up with Hearing Aids: Are they still right for me?

    I had those already and used them until I needed to replace them. They didn't help as far as comfort. :sigh: Oh well
  12. DeafRaptor

    Grew up with Hearing Aids: Are they still right for me?

    HA molds I have had several different HAs in the 23+ years I have worn HAs to include ones of different materials. It seems that my ears just hate having things in them. But :ty: for your thoughts.
  13. DeafRaptor

    My First(ish) Post

    Due to failures in posting, I am keeping it simple. :wave: I was born to a hearing family w/ 2 brothers & a twin sister w/ mild-moderate bi-lateral hearing loss. It has continued to decline & now starts at moderate, but is mostly in severe-profound. I was mainstreamed w/ 2 HAs & a speech...
  14. DeafRaptor

    Problems with Posting

    I started this thread to test if I could post and I could. I tried posting something longer and its been 7 hours and it's still not showing up. Help anyone?
  15. DeafRaptor

    Grew up with Hearing Aids: Are they still right for me?

    This is my first post. :wave: I have two reasons for this post, the first is introductions. I was born with mild to moderate bi-lateral hearing loss to a hearing family. I have two older brothers and a twin sister (who now has a little hearing loss, but doesn’t use hearing aids). I was...