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  1. DeafRaptor

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Ugh, well-meaning idiots! :roll: Funny stories, sorry that they are true.
  2. DeafRaptor

    Unofficial AllDeaf Map - Post Your Location!

    :jaw: I grew up there! I unfortunately did not know any other deaf or hoh people growing up. I lived near the Cherry Hill Road and Wayne Road intersection on Linville Street near the John Glenn high school parking lot. I went to Huron Valley Lutheran High School (very small religious...
  3. DeafRaptor

    Picture of your pets

    This is the first picture that I ever had of Leah, my now five-year-old Rottie/Sheltie mix trained hearing/mobility service dog, when I adopted her on 11 November 2007. This is a random picture of Leah deciding to sit on the stairs at her first apartment with me. Leah is wrestling, her...
  4. DeafRaptor

    Service dogs for CI users and deaf people

    I was very curious about what my "mutt" (I will try to post a pic soon as my avatar) was that I didn't mind the price. I also learned more about Leah than just what breeds she was. I learned more about what characteristics she would likely portray and what health issues to expect. If you or...
  5. DeafRaptor

    Service dogs for CI users and deaf people

    I had a family dog growing up, but I wouldn't say I necesarily had experience with dog training before Leah. I used a trainer that had some experience with service dogs, but she mainly did everyday pet dog training. She showed me some methods to train various tasks and started me on my way...
  6. DeafRaptor

    Anxiety and Labyrinthitis?

    I have a problem with disequilibrium. I hope to go to the doctor soon to get "official" diagnoses (as far as cause/problem area) and prescription/treatment recommendations (to adjust to recent changes/problems) as until recently, it didn't occur to me or anyone else that that was what the...
  7. DeafRaptor

    Switched at Birth's Inaccuracies?

    I like the show! I agree some hearies may see the show and get the idea that deaf/hh people are able to get 100% from lip-reading (I suck at it), but then most had that idea before the show, so I don't mind too much. I really appreciate that it had scenes to demonstrates some of the...
  8. DeafRaptor

    Service dogs for CI users and deaf people

    I have a hearing/mobility/etc service dog that I trained myself. She has greatly changed my life (for the better). I don't have a CI and have determined that it would never be for me, so I cannot answer about that. I no longer have to worry that I might drop things (and therefore lose...
  9. DeafRaptor

    Why Dogs Tails are Docked!

    Sometimes I tease my service dog, Leah, about "be(ing) careful" with her tail as she is going to hurt it someday since it rarely stops wagging and is always hitting some hard wall or surface. At one time, sure enough, she actually did hurt her tail and it was a trip to the vet to treat her...
  10. DeafRaptor

    DOJ posts new definition of service animal

    I got a rescue dog (Leah), had her health and temperment tested, and found that she would make a good service dog. I found a specialized trainer (I used my tax stimulus payment to help pay for it) to show me the ropes and then I diligently trained Leah myself. While sometimes I jokingly say...
  11. DeafRaptor

    HOH at college

    I was hoh at U of Mich from 2001 to 2005. The disability office provided me with CART so I could follow along and a notetaker as it was still difficult to take notes. Feel free to ask for these things from your school. Also bring up your hearing with the professors, sometimes they will provide...
  12. DeafRaptor

    'We can consign deafness to history': Businesswoman of the Year

    It's people like her that gave me such low self-esteem growing up, due to the impossible standard, and made me consider suicide once or twice early in college (don't worry, I am much better now since I started learning ASL in college and finally started accepting what and who I am versus denying...
  13. DeafRaptor

    Deaf awakenings

    Congratulations on your awakening :cool2:, that is awesome! I am so happy that you get to experience that. It is a wonderful feeling, isn't it? And, I am so excited as it looks like I am right behind you on that :deaf: path. Like you, I also previously defined myself as a person that...
  14. DeafRaptor

    We have many advantages of being deaf

    I love not having to hear their music :cool2:, but, Ugh :barf:, I hate feeling it.
  15. DeafRaptor

    How do deaf from birth read internally?

    Me too. When reading fiction (my favorite is science-fiction/fantasy and I speed through those), it is a lot like my dreams. In my mind, I am there, but incorporeal (inner self) and I see what is happening. The characters' thoughts and words between themselves are telepathic, and more like...
  16. DeafRaptor

    I need to vent bad; any new school suggestions?

    Sorry to learn about your troubles last year, glad to learn that you are at least better to where you were before, and again sorry to learn about the hassles they are giving you. I can understand that the professors get leeway to make the final decision, but after learning about your story, who...
  17. DeafRaptor

    Gallaudet: Losing deaf culture???

    I've seen from their website that they offer non-credit courses and programs including ASL I-VI, Visual Gestural Communication, and ASL special topic areas that are also offered during evening and weekend hours, which would be of most interest to me. If I can get my work to accept me in the...
  18. DeafRaptor

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Ditto (to wall-of-text): Sorry to hear about your BIL. I am having a similar situation with my twin sister right now, but I'll include that story below. First, don't worry about it not being a funny story. The thread is called "Annoying ignorant hearing people stories" after all. Now...
  19. DeafRaptor

    deaf accent!

    that1hearingguy, sorry I am not sure how much help I can be. On one occasion in college, my sister and I were eating some crackers or something while trying to talk to each other (I know we're bad: talking with food in our mouths) and we noticed that our voices sounded similar to some of my...
  20. DeafRaptor

    I need to vent bad; any new school suggestions?

    :shock: The signed doctors document is supposed to give the medical facts about your medical history and current diagnosis/prognosis. It is NOT there to say what the office wants to hear, they should accept it whether it says one or the other. If you don't mind, why are they asking for the...