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  1. H

    I can't take it anymore

    Sounds like your HA just isn't powerful enough for you. Maybe you need to consider the next step and go to a cochlear implant?
  2. H

    Cochlear America or MELD -EL?

    Neither....I'd go with Advanced Bionics. They have the best technology on the market and the best potential for success. The MRI issue is a non-issue. First, there are usually other tests that can be done and if you NEED an MRI, you can have the magnet removed from the other brands...
  3. H

    CI sound sample

    I agree--my CI's sound nothing like their samples and never have.
  4. H

    Pissed about your audie, hearing aid or CI? Tell us!

    Go to a different ENT clinic/audiologist and see what they say??
  5. H

    Cochlear Implantation benefits

    It's not quite that linear but yes, your results overall will be better with more rehab. I don't know that there is a limit. I notice new things every once in a while that surprise me still.
  6. H

    Cochlear Implantation benefits

    There are a lot of reasons for the variable results from basic things like equipment to more technical factors like where the electrode ended up in your cochlea to user issues with how much rehab and effort put into training your brain. Not all CI's are created equally and the programs and...
  7. H

    Cochlear Implantation benefits

    Yes, everyone is different but generally those with a hearing history have better success. I lost about 50% of my hearing as an adult, wore HA's for almost 20 years. Slowly that hearing loss progressed to about 30% speech scores aided. I have bilateral implants now and 6 months into each ear...
  8. H

    Hearing Aids

    I had Starkey BTE's, demo'd some Naida's before I got my cochlear implants. The Naida's are heads and tails better!
  9. H

    Problems with Advanced Bionics Naida CI

    I'm curious what your programs are set at. I'm also curious why your equipment, clips and such, keep breaking. I've had my processors for over a year now with no issues. Yes, there have been some problems, like any new product, however, you are the only one I've heard of with clips breaking...
  10. H

    I can't take it anymore

    I got my first digital aids in about 2004 or so. They were somewhat better then the analogs I got in 1996. I got new digitals in 2009 and they were better. They did a good job for me for about 2 years and then my hearing just got to the point that HA's were not going to help. I still couldn't...
  11. H

    Cohlear implant vs bonebridge

    Hard decision. How much are the HA's helping at this point? It doesn't sound like they are helping much at all. One ear is better than no ears but from what it sounds like he is losing his natural hearing anyway. Will he go for a second surgery if need be?
  12. H

    Cohlear implant vs bonebridge

    Hearing with CI's takes practice and a lot of adjustment. The processors won't be all that much different for him if he is wearing behind the ear hearing aids. The surgery is surgery and recovery, for the most part, is not all that difficult, but he will have a pressure bandage that is pretty...
  13. H

    I can't take it anymore

    Hearing aids pretty much just amplify sound. There are features that help block out some noise and such but for the most part, that is what they do. They aren't a magic remedy to restore hearing. It's just possible that your hearing has gotten to the point that HA's just can't do any more for...
  14. H

    I heard I can get a new CI after five years

    Most insurance companies won't cover "upgrades" but they cover new processors that will positively impact your ability to hear better :D. Yes, work with your clinic and your CI manufacturer to get the paperwork sent in correctly to get new equipment. As for not hearing well after not wearing...
  15. H

    Where to start to getting CI?

    How far are you willing to drive to a clinic? I don't know what there is in Lexington, but the CI clinic at Vanderbilt in Nashville it top notch. Without seeing your insurance, they will probably cover 80% up to your out of pocket maximum, not 80% of the total surgery cost. Do you know what...
  16. H

    Can someone please explain my report

    It says they could not evaluate for speech, which given your curve, makes sense.
  17. H

    Can someone please explain my report

    You don't have to get CI's and if you are happy being deaf, ok. I had HA's, 20 years worth. It got to the point that understanding people was extremely difficult. I went for a CI consult, qualified bilaterally, I have 2 CI's now. I went from about 30% speech recognition in both ears with...
  18. H

    Are there any hearing aids that will give me what I'm looking for?

    Can't you just get a HA that works for your level of loss and disable the features you don't want?
  19. H

    CI on head ?

    I would say that looks more like a pocket of infection but hard to tell without feeling it. How long ago were you implanted?
  20. H

    CI on head ?

    Your implant isn't supposed to be flush--your skull just typically isn't thick enough to do that. Most surgeons will carve out a bed in your head but it generally won't be totally flush.