Search results

  1. H

    Tinnitus and CI? Before and after

    I've read the same and know of people where the implant actually took away their tinnitus totally. I know that the House clinic in CA was experimenting with placing something in the Cochlea to eliminate tinnitus way back in the 50's and had spotty success. Frank Borman, the astronaut, had that...
  2. H

    looking for recent hybrid CI news

    They hybrids are pretty new and not many people have them. Like we've said, the issue is the technology behind them and being stuck with the bottom of the market CI if the HA portion isn't beneficial. If you need a CI, get a CI, especially if you are using the Naida hearing aids. You won't...
  3. H

    Tinnitus and CI? Before and after

    My tinnitus is about the same as it was before I had my CI surgery. I don't notice it at all during the day but at night it is there. It's never been too bad, annoying at times is all.
  4. H

    looking for recent hybrid CI news

    I'm going to STRONGLY disagree with you on that assumption. I had 2 ears at just about 30% and I could NOT function in the work environment, go out to eat and have a conversation with anyone, get more then 2 people in a rooms and forget participating in the conversation. Costco also sells an...
  5. H

    looking for recent hybrid CI news

    What I've heard is that a lot of people have had major issues trying to get these covered by their insurance look into that first before you do anything else. Next, the technology behind these just isn't all that great. The idea is good, however, in the event your hearing...
  6. H

    My name is Tomer, bilateral CI with problems.

    No, this is the Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant board...
  7. H

    Looking to Be Educated

    Um, not Best we have 100% hearing...and many of us do :D Elective disability--what is that even supposed to mean??? It's not like we had 100% hearing before we got CI's and just wanted to wear these cool processors....:hmm:
  8. H

    Got my CI Speech Proccessor Yesterday This is a great rehab site. Use it, a lot. Briefcase must be from Cochlear??
  9. H

    Cochlear Implants in noisy bars and nightclubs

    This is the Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant board.... I've lived in the hearing world and the deaf world....the hearing world is far superior. I have zero desire to learn sign language and I hope to God I never have to learn..... I have had my CI's for a year and a half. I went from 30%...
  10. H

    Cochlear Implants in noisy bars and nightclubs

    ..and like I said, with the newer technology, you will find that most people do JUST fine in noisy environments.
  11. H

    Cochlear Implants in noisy bars and nightclubs

    Then you are the anomaly....and, like I said, equipment and technology makes a difference....of course results are individualized, however, the vast majority of CI recipients have a far greater hearing experience with CI's vs HA...that is well documented. And, once again, had you gone with...
  12. H

    Behind the Ear hearing aids to Cochlear Implants

    Depending on how your audi is doing your programming, yes, what you are experiencing is pretty normal. As you go through your various mapping appointments and such, that clarity should improve. Also, the various strategies (S or P--I think you have AB correct?) are worth a try as well. Most...
  13. H

    Cochlear Implants in noisy bars and nightclubs

    I've talked with many audiologists, participated in many studies as well and for the most part, people are far more successful with CI's vs HA's. Your issue is that you are working with the company with the worst technology and success rates on the market...that is going to alter the results...
  14. H

    Still disappointed in Phonak for mini USB

    So....get a powerstrip or have an outlet with more than 2 sockets installed. You can buy these just about anywhere and it takes about 2 minutes to unscrew the wall plate and put this on instead. I pack a powerstrip every where I go between my cell phone, tablet, computer, CI stuff, it's...
  15. H

    C.I Users - considered Deaf or Hard of Hearing?

    If it comes up in conversation, I'll say I'm technically deaf but with my CI's I hear as well as anyone. Most people give me the :jaw: look when I tell them that because they don't notice my processors and I have no problems hearing them and they are surprised that I am "deaf"
  16. H

    Still disappointed in Phonak for mini USB

    I'm lost at why this is an issue? The other end of the cord still plugs into the same type of outlet.
  17. H

    Cochlear Implants in noisy bars and nightclubs

    Again, NOT true. My HA's just made everything louder and did not help with speech understanding much. I had about 30% speech recognition with my HA's, and about 5% in noise, just at the audi yesterday, hit 99% and 100% speech scores on the AZ bio sentences and single word tests. In noise...
  18. H

    Cochlear Implants in noisy bars and nightclubs

    I SO disagree with this!!! In my almost 20 years of HA use, they were worthless in noise, even with the various noise programs I had later on. They sort of helped with the right people/voices but compared to my CI's they were garbage. Like I said earlier, I hear better than most "normal"...
  19. H

    Cochlear Implants in noisy bars and nightclubs

    I have Advanced Bionics and with the UltraZoom program, you will likely hear better in those situations then people with "normal" hearing. It's a wonderful bit of technology!
  20. H

    Cochlear Implants Facts

    Pretty sure it takes less time to "get used to" a cochlear implant then it takes to learn sign language :hmm: