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  1. X

    Video Effects(warning: not for 56k)

    WOW! YOU make me soo :jaw: i dont know how to say it but i feel HOW you make of this.... it is real lot work?? or what .. i feel ready to fall on the floor and faint!!! @$^#!%# it's true.. well i need some one do this :slap: to keep me wake up... wow
  2. X

    FOR Woman only!

    Sport bra how about this baseball bra it not cool?!?!:naughty:
  3. X

    HOW to say Please

    well i sure you know how to say please?!?1
  4. X

    say Whazzzzzz up!

    other jokes How to ruin a romantic evening eh geez
  5. X

    say Whazzzzzz up!

    :naughty: so jokes ?!?!
  6. X

    Post a picture of your senior picture

    Class of 2001! wow it so long 2 year ago... mmm
  7. X

    Post a picture of your senior picture

    Hey :shock: Hey it is you... maybe you could know who i am.....but for sure you will forget who i am anyway forget it t'care i miss you anyway :ily:
  8. X

    FOR Woman only!

    Hey anybody who will mind used this bra?!?!
  9. X

    Anal Exam

    WHo will take this anal exam?!?!?!?
  10. X

    Picture of your children Prom Pictures

    Wow you look so great. i could be remeber about you so mcuh since hs years well i already miss you Milly!
  11. X

    Before & After

    :naughty: ohh really it more look like younger i am only 19 year old
  12. X

    Before & After

    Ohh.... it's alright you dont have to make it up for your hair to be pretty just be urself ok
  13. X

    Before & After

    Yeah i know, so I like something think how was it look differend humm
  14. X

    Before & After

    I would like you to Judge which one like of picture was before and or after Left one was before when i not cut hair and dye too, and then right one it was after one it was dye hair and cut hair too .. tell me which one you think it better??
  15. X

    Before & After

    Before & After Hola! Which one you think it better before dye and cut hair and or after dye and cut hair ok
  16. X

    Ur action (WARNING: not for 56k)

    :wtf: are you real to drop off a baby or just a toy?
  17. X

    Ur action (WARNING: not for 56k)

    :laugh2: Lolz how you get of that it real cool..
  18. X

    Picture of You Drunk!

    That's me of Shot When i take a shot 151 Proof of Bacardi and 80 Proof Early Time Alcoholic really make me Black out already. so here my friend was took a picture of me when i was drink a shot!
  19. X

    Ur action (WARNING: not for 56k)

    :laugh2: LMAO!!!! why hit urself.
  20. X

    pic of ur child

    aww all of child are soo CUTE