Search results

  1. L

    Will we pay off on National Debt???

    :werd: Yes, very true. It was the first time since World War II the President ever made progress in paying off the national debt. Darn the law that was passed in 1959 (I think) that no President shall serve more than two terms. If it wasn't for the law, President Clinton would still have...
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    Will we pay off on National Debt???

    :werd: USA has a soft heart therefore other countries must have faces with all smiles knowing they can take advantage of the USA government. :evil: By the way, Eternity, what year did you attend Close-Up at Washington, DC? I attended Close-Up at Washington, DC when I was a sophomore in...
  3. L

    Do you...

    Folks, let me tell you this. I have nothing against Steel as a "breast freak." But getting aroused at seeing a mother breastfeeding a baby? This is not a sexy time. This ia a feeding time for the baby, not the sexy time for the mother nor any man. I hope when Steel gets older and gets married...
  4. L

    Do you have any talents?

    My talents? Hmm, let's see. 1. Memorizing most of what I learned in history. After all, I am a history buff. I even can list Presidents of the USA in order from Washington to Bush without looking at a book. 2. Cooking although I'm still learning new receipes and cooking tips for legally...
  5. L

    Do you have any talents?

    Does it mean you are hearing?
  6. L

    Do you have any talents?

    Oh yeah? I was once married and once divorced. Then I will be married next year. I beat you to it. :lol: Seriously, I wish my husband-to-be is my first (and ONLY) husband. :(
  7. L

    Do you...

    Steel!!!!! :evil: You are a sicko, you know that? Seeing a mother breastfeeding a baby is sexy as you think it is???????
  8. L

    Do you believe in God?

    These are simple questions to answer. God is from A to Z. Let me ask you a question in return. WHAT was BEFORE the ltter A? And WHAT was AFTER the letter Z? Same concept. Yes, there were cavemen and dinosaurs in the Bible. I still view Adam and Eve as the cavemen because they were the...
  9. L

    What is your nationality ?

    I am part Irish and part Cherokee. My grandfathers were Irish and my grandmothers were of Cherokee descents. However, I look like more of an Irish. After all, I possess Irish hot tempers and am considered a redhead - actually I have strawberry blonde hair. My paternal...
  10. L

    What caused your deafness/hearing loss?

    How did you become deaf/HOH or why were you born deaf/HOH? I was born Deaf and legally blind because of the gene pool in the family. My parents are related to each other as first cousins. Yes, I'm saying my parents' marriage is couin/cousin marriage. To make matters worse, both of my...
  11. L

    Do u consider urself a Deaf Militant or not q

    I voted on this :dunno: part. All I can say is my beliefs are what a Culturally Deaf person possesses. I am extremely proud of being an ASL user and a non-oralist. I am rpoud that I can't speak or lipread. I am proud that I can read and write. I accept for who I am as a Deaf person. I...
  12. L

    Deaf Heaven

    Yes, it's true. You and I will never be able to understand what kind of power Jesus Christ possesses because we never will have this kind of power. There are times I ate only one meal and am full for the rest of the day and dion't have to eat until next day. That's similiar to how Jesus...
  13. L

    Postwhoring, when too much is too much?

    I voted on this... No, it degrades the quality of this forum I'm still a newcomer to this bullentin board even though I registered almost a month ago. I have noticed many ADers who have more than 1,000 posts - some even have more than 3,000 posts. I see that the "second edition" of AD started...
  14. L

    Being on TV Show

    What TV show do I wish to have a part? I already had a part in a TV show in 1993 on PBS called "Crisis of Caring." Although it was not really an entertainment TV show, it was still a TV show. What TV show would I like to have a part? Well, let's try this: Family Matters (all-white, that is)...
  15. L

    Being on TV Show

    So do I! I wanna be the first Deaf contestant to appear on Jeopardy! show!!! Actually, the first Deaf-Blind contestant, anyway. :) I recall when I was a young teenager, I used to flip through the channels using a remote control in search of the show Jeopardy! every night at 7:30. There were...
  16. L

    favorite magazine ?

    I used to dislike reading magazines. I very much prefer books over magazines. Every time my classmates and I went to the library, all of my classmates always headed for the magazine section. Except me. I headed straight to the bookshelves to search for a hefty book to read. I've always thought...
  17. L

    Wanna be a Mod? v. 2.0.3

    Why don't any of you who is an Aussie apply for this position? You Aussies are like 12 to 14 hours ahead of us, Americans. Therefore, you would be able to moderate the forums between 12am and 6am EST time (eastern time in the USA)? Or..... Alex should "build" a bot to moderate during these...
  18. L


    I don't believe in reincarnation. Period. HOWEVER, if it does exist......WOW, I will be a true gay then. Because I've always been a gay living in a woman's body. You know I have a female body and likes men.....hence the phrase "a gay in a woman's body". The only difference is that if I am...
  19. L

    What kind of kid were you?

    I can understand you perfectly. I was in the same boat as you were. I do not have glass eye, but I used to wear a hard cornea lens. My right eye is totally blind and has different color shade from my left eye. My right eye is more like sky blue while my left eye is like midnight blue. My left...
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    What kind of kid were you?

    As a child, I was never an :angel:. Always have been a :devil:. I had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and it was a severe form. It was often uncontrollable. All my life as a child, I had always been an extremely hyperactive kid. Irontically, I happened to be one of the...