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  1. lucidjen

    This song or lyrics would be mine if I was...

    beatles [COLOR=Navy]The Beatles ... oh my! ... I'm in so love with their music and of course, songs! I mean .. they are soo awesome and I have been inspired by them .. hehe! From Me to You Writers, lead vocals: Lennon, McCartney If there's anything that you want, If there's...
  2. lucidjen


    member of there too....yupper
  3. lucidjen


    Drinking is way too worse, I almost ended up going to night school. Fighting only get suspended for 6 days, but drinking on school property, 9 days. :D
  4. lucidjen


    Have anyone gotten suspended before at school for doing the wrong thing?? I just had one, suspended for 9 days but reduced to 5 days, for drinking alcohol in the school property with my friend, Josh. Really sucked and I make a mistake, so just lettin you guys know thats why I haven't post a post...
  5. lucidjen

    Are your parents/children hearing or deaf?

    My parents both is hearing, all of my family is...I"m the only one that is deaf.
  6. lucidjen

    Guess what?!?! I'm..

    a cheerleader
  7. lucidjen

    Who is single mothers, Fathers here?

    not here...way too young for that. hehe
  8. lucidjen

    Attention Lucidjen

    Yeah its Orange County -- isn't it awesome, man...they are hot! :)
  9. lucidjen

    No English, please...

    uh huh ... asl rocks!
  10. lucidjen

    Mind-Bending Puzzles

    26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-37 eh! - easy -- :P
  11. lucidjen


    I think what he is tryin to say .. let me give u a exampe of mine... When i was little girl, I was soo invovled with deaf culture, its a deaf world to was just my life about that. Deaf friends, hearing, and having fun and I lived in Phx. But til I was 8 I moved to CG where there...
  12. lucidjen


    welcome back -- kev!
  13. lucidjen

    HaPpY bIrThDaY, bIoStReXxUs!

    :party: happy bday there!
  14. lucidjen

    My new ride!

    cool cool :dance:
  15. lucidjen

    What kind of job do you do?

    I do Data Entry for ACS (computer data entry).
  16. lucidjen

    First Day of School

    mine was three wks ago -- blah..dont wanna go tmr!! school :smash:
  17. lucidjen

    Ever you been victim?

    nope never been victim ..
  18. lucidjen

    okie Thought it was something related to RIAA or somethin, but i get it. Thnx -- g'day
  19. lucidjen

    Who even uses

    I tried that was kinda weird...little confused but Im sticking with -- :smash: -- Sorry Woohu Members - .:parniod with pink:.
  20. lucidjen

    ?? What is RI .. Im kinda confused by that.