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  1. lucidjen

    So FRUSTRATED right NOW!

    Yeah-i totally hates when hearies does that. i think its full of crap of them doing that....nothing to do abt it. *shrugs*
  2. lucidjen

    So FRUSTRATED right NOW!

    Dont be sorry-----why need to be sorry-im just a deaf person that has a lot of feeling, i was just pouring it out how I was feeling...thats all. Thnx tho.
  3. lucidjen

    So FRUSTRATED right NOW!

    Go ahead and use it, feel free...anytime!
  4. lucidjen

    So FRUSTRATED right NOW!

    Feel free to use it....anytime!
  5. lucidjen

    So FRUSTRATED right NOW!

    i dont even blame those ppl-thats not what i wrote abt-it was abt my feelings by the way, yes i can read the lips...i was forced to.
  6. lucidjen

    Happy Birthday, LucidJen!!

    Thank You awww thanks guys! its no april fools was on 30th! thanks again!
  7. lucidjen

    *throwing SK @ the wall* *ughh*

    Oh i see!! Thats why u were saying u were moving to Hawaii-thats why u were ordering one from there-now I get it! haha good luck out there!
  8. lucidjen

    So FRUSTRATED right NOW!

    So FRUSTRATED right NOW-hate hearing ppl at this MOMENT! ---I just realize--It was what I was feeling today..well, for a long time...since maybe could be since the beginnin of this year I mean, many deafies are feeling the same things, almost many everyday. I hate when hearing ppl like for...
  9. lucidjen

    *throwing SK @ the wall* *ughh*

    YAY! Got my "trade" new sk! Whew---finally! Its all good now!
  10. lucidjen

    Thank You!

    Thnx for sayin Happy Birthday!
  11. lucidjen

    *throwing SK @ the wall* *ughh*

    Totally! - :)
  12. lucidjen

    *throwing SK @ the wall* *ughh*

    ::screaming:: Thanks guy for all the support---yeah, im gettin a replacement soon in a few days, which is fine with me, I goes to school and work, so i wouldn't be using it alot. So just gunna wait for it to come! (Actually-I will have to go to T Mobile store to get it-what if someone drops the...
  13. lucidjen

    *throwing SK @ the wall* *ughh*

    Im really mad--i mean MAD...abt my sidekick, I just got it like a month ago-it's starting to all fuked up-the screen is like...static everytime I tries to type-i mean thats full of crap-i called the service-requested for a new one if we trade!-they say well---we are out-so gatta wait for like a...
  14. lucidjen

    Lets see who's smart :-)

    maybe you didn't make the thread clear..i didn't get what your talking abt, 5 out of the i just guessed 10...that like square root. - latuh
  15. lucidjen

    Who'se Lovers Lipstick Shape - Personality

    i totally HATE..i mean H-A-T-E lipstick....i usually uses Burt's Beeswax chapstick.......that's it. My lip is a natural color and I like the way it looks!
  16. lucidjen

    Could you speak and lipead?

    Yes... Since Im 16 years old, I had been learning how to talk since I was 3, bascially raised in oral but still, in deaf culture. When I was 10, I got my cochlear implant, it improved my speech and my hearing alot...almost to 90% in all. It really helps alot! Im glad to be able to hear! Its a...
  17. lucidjen

    Would u rather dating...

    Hearing? Deaf? Hard-of-Hearing? Doesnt matter! I would date anything...since Im deaf, and I love to date deaf and hard-of-hearing becuz it has alot of communicate and everything, I had date hearing person for 2 years, it didn't go well.
  18. lucidjen

    So, Where are you from? from Arizona. heh lml/
  19. lucidjen

    Take the death test theres are no such thing as alien abuction...well, maybe some ppl believe in that.
  20. lucidjen

    I have babies :) cute! congrats, mizzdeaf