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  1. weekend

    No new IE for Mac. Yipe!

    MSIE don't handle well by load lot of pictures on each pages. I thank god for Safari, it running beautiful and I don't have problem with it. I hardly seen "crash" on my laptop. I guess that you must have setup in wrong way. And You can't agrue over 64-bits until anyone have actually test...
  2. weekend

    World first 64-bits personal computer!

    I hear the rumor that 64-bits will not able to running on Mac OS 9.x
  3. weekend

    Mac vs PC

    umm, Justin have iBook and he decide to remove Mac OS and install YellowDog (Linux relation)
  4. weekend

    Terminator 3

    how does machine know about john conner's mother's name? Rememberm, the record have wipe off after the nuclear. it has nothing with history change, the history line has stay same like a recyle. The fate must stay same. Same concept as Time Machine, the man tried save his girlfriend and she...
  5. weekend

    Question: North America's Largest Cities

    Does Canada and Mexico count? It said "North America"
  6. weekend

    Terminator 3

    I am going to watch T3 tonight! yipe yipe
  7. weekend

    I couldn't stand being a female

    When guys grow up, they get to play with cars, sports equipment, cameras, stereos, electric tools... you name. ;) But girls don't get any toys when they grow up. Women just buy clothes and shoes. How boring. How sad. :P
  8. weekend

    Windows Server 2003

    Re: Re: Windows Server 2003 Windows Xp isn't going to be good server. :roll:
  9. weekend

    World first 64-bits personal computer!

    Just read a little bit of the literature on the G5 and how they put the whole computer together. I second the drooling!!!!! (Perhaps wearing swim trunks would be good with all the drool around here. :) ) From what I can see it should still be quite easy to add the RAM, hard drives and such...
  10. weekend

    Does anybody live in Florida?

    I own second house at south outside of Tampa Bay. :mrgreen: I'll be there this Aug.
  11. weekend

    Any1 like to eat ketchup with scambled eggs?

    I like spicy sauce on scrambled eggs
  12. weekend

    Krown PocketComm

    I got enewletters from CompuTTY, it said that it has beeen delay until early Fall. :(
  13. weekend

    HAPPY 4th of JULY!

    :slap: not place to talk about movie! okay... it was great last night! we allow to have firework in the city zone, but no high sky firework, just keep lower. So lucky, live in wet city.
  14. weekend

    Terminator 3

    :werd: it happen to my localtion's newspaper, they review and cliam that Terminator 3 has better grade.
  15. weekend

    Terminator 3

    I love to watch Sarah use BB gun at the last scene in T2. :cool2:
  16. weekend

    doorbell - phone - pager

    new model: Sonic Alert Doorbell 100
  17. weekend

    HAPPY 4th of JULY!

    It's ID4 time! Eat grilled rib with family and watch firework next to the beautiful river. :wave:
  18. weekend

    Sonic Boom Alarm Clock

    sonic boom succcccccckkk!!!! me no need one!
  19. weekend

    I am not newie

    :( No one want to play.
  20. weekend

    I am not newie

    DoVip has spoken.