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  1. weekend

    Mind-Bending Puzzles

    "Hey what acknowledge darn this name quote axis dimesion excatly why retard mother's Naja question error act defense yada zip-up - very another drama ma!" :mrgreen:
  2. weekend

    hi, I am (place your statement)

    My name is Unknown. I am not sure if I am deaf or not. I use sign language in English.
  3. weekend

    What is the Matrix?

    **SPOIL** NEO discovery that he is actual Banjo!
  4. weekend

    Plucking/waxing your eyebrows

    :ugh2: Thank for share with us.
  5. weekend

    What is the Matrix?

    Your name should be "Spoiler"
  6. weekend

    Can you write your nickname by using mouse signature

    I use track pad, will that count? Because I don't have mouse. :o
  7. weekend

    QuarkXPress vs. InDesign

    hmm... new QuarkXPress for around $899 - just compare to Adobe's one pack set: Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat and InDesign for $999. Wow, Adobe have a best deal than QuarkXPress! Think about it... without InDesign, you want QuarkXPress with Photoshop and QuarkXPress... it's way EXPENSIVE!
  8. weekend

    Closed Caption software

    that's awesome!
  9. weekend

    XP vs OS X

    1. XP has been nicknamed "Fisher Price for Windows" and I full agree. I'm not afraid of poking my mouse on a corner of the 98 style windows. 2. XP is not really backwards compatible. There have been many things that I used to use on 98 that I can't in XP. 3. I use Bryce 5 in XP and there...
  10. weekend

    XP vs OS X

    There are plenty third-party keyboards for Apple computer. And of course, MS made their own keyboard to get work with Windows.
  11. weekend

    Much-feared internet attack fizzles

    I am not worry since I am use Mac... The vast majority of hackers and virus writers choose to focus their criminal efforts on the predominant platform, which is Windows.
  12. weekend

    wireless internet (wi-fi)

    Sorry, I wasn't think straigh... Ah, I just remember about this incident about Best Buys. Well, it's probably the best thing if you go to some place where there are no bunch of geek with laptop. Therefore, you could be narrow safe enough. I mean, I have been at starbucks coffee with...
  13. weekend

    wireless internet (wi-fi)

    Or you need firewall. I don't have problem with wi-fi so far... I suppose t-mobile hotspot is good as it get...and I am glad that I am use Apple computer which is good secure... I dare anyone to hack my laptop...
  14. weekend

    wireless internet (wi-fi)

    You are use on your laptop, correct? If so, then you have to turn off the share network and add the password for an author to get in your HDD.
  15. weekend

    wireless internet (wi-fi)

    I use Safari instead and it allow me to download any programs. So far, I still cannot send thru smtp. Something is funny going on. Hmm...
  16. weekend

    wireless internet (wi-fi)

    I notice that it will not allow me to send mail with my outlook. Also, censor by download any programs, I would like to test it out on my computer. Hmm... FTP still work fine. I am not suppose to spend on this forums this weekday since I am weekend. Oops!
  17. weekend

    World first 64-bits personal computer!

    Interest is... Mac OS 10.3 (come soon) is still 32-bits as it running on powerful processor. Sound kewl.
  18. weekend

    idea for front page

    Indeed, ventiCM, I have been design webpage in Dreamweaver. Lately, I notice when I leave all webpage to someone who use FrontPageto add more information. It turn out that all webpages with table n' size are pretty screw up.
  19. weekend

    Photoshop Q & A

    for anyone who own education version, it cannot be upgradeable.
  20. weekend

    wireless internet (wi-fi)

    who have experience running on wi-fi on your computer before? I own PowerBook G3 with airport (wireless card/LAN), I use T-Mobile's hot spots service. It running that make me in love. I really like to spend at starbucks and/or book store to stay there. It give me a new life. Of course, I...