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  1. Saline Eyes

    Hell's Kitchen Season 4

    Finally something to get me excited about watching t.v. again! That strike threw everything off track.
  2. Saline Eyes

    Hey Yellow bird! Come in here!

    Wishing you a happy birthday and many more!
  3. Saline Eyes

    bad news....

    I'm very sorry to hear about your mother, i hope the treatment is 100% successful. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
  4. Saline Eyes

    Finally, Can see my wife and I

    Adorable pics!
  5. Saline Eyes

    date how long before engaged??

    I recently became engaged after nearly 5 years with my now fiance. You should try to discuss your feelings with your boyfriend in a non-confrontational way. There could be so many reasons why he's taking his time, it could be something as simple as he wants to wait until he can afford a...
  6. Saline Eyes

    Regift Christmas Gifts and give to someone else????

    I'm always thankful for gifts, regardless of whether or not they're to my liking. With that said, I'd much rather find a new home for items that aren't "me." The thought of something collecting dust in storage hardly seems appreciative. I feel it is more respectful to discreetly donate or...
  7. Saline Eyes

    CI Moments

    I've had my ci since the fall of '04 but some sounds that were distinct to me upon activation: The microwave beeping, the rustle of fall leaves, birds (aside from crows!) chirping, the purring of my kitties... It's enabled me to speak on the phone with family, something that was implausible...
  8. Saline Eyes

    If you were me, Would you report ?

    You made the right decision, the needs of your children should always come before your own selfish desires. I can't believe those kids were left to freeze and starve without any power just so the folks could attend a cruise they had no business taking in the first place. (If you can't afford...
  9. Saline Eyes

    Man to die for leaving girl to be eaten by gators

    What a monster. It's sickening to think that there really are people capable of such cruelty.
  10. Saline Eyes

    A trip to Estes Park earlier today...

    Was she on the amazing race?
  11. Saline Eyes

    Got an Offering Orchid Plants :):):)

    Sounds gorgeous, I'm jealous! Show us a picture later if it's not too much trouble? :)
  12. Saline Eyes

    Good Looking Cakes

    I have no knowledge of how much time making one of those cakes entails, but with the painstaking details, I'd imagine it'd taste stale by the time it's ready to be consumed.
  13. Saline Eyes

    Bad News from Tweetybird

    I'm very sorry to hear your mother's facing uterine cancer, and I sincerely hope the treatment/recovery goes as smoothly as possible. You're in my thoughts.
  14. Saline Eyes

    My dog's first grooming

    Cute! He doesn't seem to look fazed by the grooming either which is impressive, considering it was his first time.
  15. Saline Eyes

    Hey Yall!

    It truly is sweet you and your fiance are putting things on the fast track so that your mother can be present for your wedding. All the best to nothing but the best!
  16. Saline Eyes

    quitting smoking? i need u!

    I commend you for trying to quit. I'm not a smoker but my boyfriend is 37 years old and has been smoking since the age of 12. It's not an easy feat so I truly do wish you luck. Have you considered trying Chantix? I've been hearing good things about it.
  17. Saline Eyes

    have something to say

    Congratulations on the pregnancy! Surprise or not, the baby'll be a beautiful addition to your family.
  18. Saline Eyes

    Hey, looky in here.....

    Congratulations on the engagement, you're both glowing in the pictures!
  19. Saline Eyes


    Congratulations on the engagement and thanks for sharing that sweet story with us!
  20. Saline Eyes

    ladies and gentlemen...theres something I have to admit, and I regret this forever...

    I have to give you props for being so honest. Whether or not you wind up getting back together, it appears you've made a change for the better. Not every woman is uncomfortable with porn, but I'm glad you're getting the message out there that if she IS, it's important to honor those feelings.