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  1. Ice

    how many deaf in america

    whats he estimated number of deaf ppl in america right now?
  2. Ice

    sidekick walkthru guide

    well i ended up buying one, i just went to tmobile and got it, but sadly its service sucks in my area, works fine around the shop but once u get out to where i live (which is only about 5 miles away) the service dies, so thats no good so that will have to go back :( but did give me a...
  3. Ice

    sidekick walkthru guide

    i went to tmobile store today and they are sold out of the sidekick, i asked her when they getting more in she shruged and said prolly not for a while is this cuz therre is a newer ver coming out? or just cuz
  4. Ice

    sidekick walkthru guide

    ok well for anyone that knows my cell phone woes, im about to buy a sidekick :) should have listend to begin with and bought it first but never to late to do right :) ok what i want to know is, when i go to email someone is there a quick addressbook so i dont have to type the name in...
  5. Ice

    Talking Glove Interprets Sign Language

    the talking glove i didnt read this cuz i talk fine, but its a glove made for the deaf to simulate speech when they sign VamPyroX Mod Note: This was a :repost: I've merged this post/thread with the thread we are in now.
  6. Ice

    personal ads

    when i was 17 i was bored and went to AOL personals just to check it out, found alot of the ads amusing, so i wrote up this LONG letter, complete with a really sweet poem :) and sent it to about 50 ppl just to see what responses id get ;p (yea imma real bastard) well had many...
  7. Ice

    I'm curious do u prefer a guy to pay for dinnner or he want u to pay for dinner?

    i dont think i am old fashiond but whenever i go out with a female, i alwasy pay, just a common curtisy even if i KNOW its just friends i still do, hell i went to lunch with a friends wife and i still paid (me and her were friends in high school, i introduced them)
  8. Ice

    new! Treo 600

    holy shit! thats nice, any word on the price?
  9. Ice

    my new cell!!!

    and this phone can call a tty phone? can it use relay service? sorry but im like the deaf illeterate, but what is PVCO and what if any attachments do u need to use tty on it, also what model cell phone is that anyway
  10. Ice

    nokia 6610

    those are both too bulky, well obviously i dont need a radio ;p, but i just want it to send/receive emails and text msgs
  11. Ice

    nokia 6610

    anyone have this phone? or a close model, anything u can tell me before i buy it?
  12. Ice


    yea i installed it but when i log in dont work
  13. Ice

    VRS is fucking cool!!!!!!!!!

    jst tested it out works pretty god, i cant use the sign part cuz i dont know sign lang, but i did use the typing relay, about the same as using my TTY, a bit slower
  14. Ice

    What to do about Kiddy porn?

    Re: Re: What to do about Kiddy porn? nothing wrong with bad taste ;) funy but its been done before :(, still funny, ill say this tho on a legal note, dont go on kazaa with that and label it as kiddie porn or underage or anything like that u can get yourself into alot of trouble
  15. Ice

    Matrix Reloaded at Imax theatre

    i cant imagine going to see a movie with no captions, ive watched movies before when there was no subs, sometimes theres just nothing on TV and some old movies uve seen a millon times is on, but with no caps, so u watch it anyways but i dunno, paying 11 bucks to see a movie with no caps...
  16. Ice

    sidekick questions

    with this can i receive relay calls (i live in VA and we have the varelay service) can anyone tell me the pros/cons? i read the webpage but the maker always makes it sound like its perfection and never says the cons thanks
  17. Ice

    my new cell!!!

    thats a real nice cell phone, think is since the keyboard is horizontal does the text go that way to? im planning to get a cell myself and was thinking about the sony ti68s i looked at the sidekick but its so big, grrr
  18. Ice

    captel (TTY) phone

    coupe of dwnsides i dont like, if the phone is ringing, theres no output for like a seperate flasher, like on my older ultratec tty phone i have the second jack plugged into the AM-100 and that makes a siren light flash when the phone rings, so i can see it even if not looking at the phone...
  19. Ice

    captel (TTY) phone

    screw'em they can sue me ;p central purpose? its a phone, it has a built-in relay center, so when u pick it up and dial it ALWAYS goes thru the relay center, unless u turn off the captions button (which means like, if u were hearing and just wanted to use it as a normal phone) plus...
  20. Ice

    captel (TTY) phone

    i dunno if this is a tty classified hone or not but work the same way, i was lucky to be able to beta test this nice phone, works very well its like a relay service, but the ohter person does not know there is a OP there, and they are quick there is almost no delay, there is a small...