Search results

  1. Ice

    Emergency vehical alert system

    this happened to me the other day, i was driving down the road and this guy just slows down in front of mereal slow and started to pull off the road a bit, i thought maybe he was lost so i started to just switch lanes and go around but something made me stop and not do it lucky for me cuz...
  2. Ice

    visual basic 6 expert needed

    much as i appreciate the , ahem, help :D the class ended on dec 3rd i got a B
  3. Ice

    who to bitch to

    regal plays deaf movies now and then at my local one in fredericksburg VA, and whenever they do it is in the smallest theature, i mean its this tiny little one, and the screen sucks looks better on my TV, and they dont hardly ever play any, at most 1 a month, a example, they showed T3 Nov 25 i...
  4. Ice

    who to bitch to

    dont u just love to bitch and moan, should be made a national sport :D who can u bitch to about deaf issues, i got a few companys on my hit list, regal cinimas is #1 right now any ideas?
  5. Ice

    Honda headlight alert upgrade

    i use to own a 93 subaru legacy, now i own a 96 honda accord, well see i get out of the car and leave the headlights on all the time see the thing is, 2 factors account for this, 1 i just recently went deaf and 2 the subaru i had when the car is off and u open the drivers side door the...
  6. Ice

    deaf related jobs

    im studying to be a computer tech, working to get cisco certified and A+ certified u could say i am the anti-deaf deaf guy, its not that i have anythjing against being deaf, but i dont know sign language at all, i nknow the alphabet and some words but thats it i dont have a single deaf...
  7. Ice

    Who has been sick lately?

    i havnt had a single cough or anything in 6 years not since i had mono in january 1997 that was the last time i was sick ;p
  8. Ice

    ATI 9000 pro all-in-wonder

    i contacted the company that makes the hardwar based PVR-250 and they said they are working on making the closed captioning work, i gues in the next update, i hope they arent just blowing smoke up my ass anyways i decided to wait on it and i bought just a plain video card for now, its a...
  9. Ice

    ATI 9000 pro all-in-wonder

    well its not the capture part im looking for as much as just being able to watch TV well on the computer, so i can snag a football game while working ya know the capture is a plus too but this is for the hardware ill deal with the software (snapstream) when that accually WORKS with CC...
  10. Ice

    ATI 9000 pro all-in-wonder

    well ok, i am buying a new custom built PC, i want a good video card and i also need a good TV card so why not get both at the same time, this card looks excellent but i want to know does it suport closed captions for the deaf, i hope someone here has it and can tell me for sure, thanks
  11. Ice

    visual basic 6 expert needed

    got a project for school and im dying here, its to design a program that acts like a video store terminal, to use a database, for seaching, add new members, new videos, things like that, if theres anyone good at this maybe talk to me on AIM help me thru it a bit?
  12. Ice

    Don't have CapTel? Here is how to get something similar

    is good i accually have a captel phone tho :)
  13. Ice

    color sidekick for 34.99!!!

    i must be a patient fellow i dont mind waiting for 200 bucks :)
  14. Ice

    color sidekick for 34.99!!!

    omg, dude do u not relize there are whats called "rebates" and thats what is bringing it down in price sigh ;p
  15. Ice

    ultimate deaf watch for $30

    this watch rocks, its a pager, plus can store 5 alerts, has vibration, and text msging, and timex is having a big promo, 30 bucks for the watch a 1 year free service, w00t the olther colors are all sold out, best get this quick...
  16. Ice

    color sidekick for 34.99!!!

    no sir, accually i tested it out but didnt order, if u select the data only (they should name that deaf-mans plan) its 99 with rebates, then 30/month so least u save 200, but since its not in my area yet, im going to wait, but anyone planning to get one, nows the time
  17. Ice

    color sidekick for 34.99!!!

    what a deal! color sidekick for 35 after rebates bad news for me still not really in my area but i think i might go ahead and get one, they are suppose to upgrade in a few months
  18. Ice

    deaf rights issue - snapstream

    amen to that which is why i gave links for ppl to harass them :D
  19. Ice

    deaf rights issue - snapstream

    no not at all, ill explain, u know how a normal TV works, well there are hardware cards that allow u to watch TV on your computer, they have gotten rather good and most of the good ones have closed captioning built in, well this software snapstream allows u to record the TV on your computer...
  20. Ice

    deaf rights issue - snapstream

    im sorry i wasnt sure where to put this, theres a technology out now, pretty neat called snapstream, u all know about how u can watch TV on your computer, well now u can record it too, and the features are endless, or are they? no feature for closed captioning! i talked to one of the...