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  1. S


    what?? dont know her parents name?? oh man! yeah, depends on my general friend have a throat infection and the doctor knew she love to drinking and doctor warning her not to do this..somehow, she stubborn and drink vokda..the throat infection is all gone and pretty well..mmm...
  2. S


    sometimes doctor told the painet not to do drinking or something is not good healt for the painet.. but, my friend went to see his doctor and doctor say, no drinking allow or anything you harm your body for a week if he do..there will be night, he went to the party and he have...
  3. S

    colorado thanks..
  4. S


    yeah, i can live without room. stuido with kitchen and bathroom. is good enough for myself.
  5. S


    sure. no problem. want to getting know each other though PM? i dont know where place i want to live in because i want to travel in america first..and i will know what i want to.. europe is next when i done with america...
  6. S


    what? your husband used to live in colorado? my mother went to some town in colorado for Hardison David Motorcycle camp for one week every year during summer time..she say, those people are very nice and outgoing. well well, i guess its just becasue those people are from other states and...
  7. S


    sure, i will look for it later and pm you when i find the address. its for stuido room.
  8. S


    sure. have to getting little bit to know you are..
  9. S


    450 dollars every month. CHEAP! that what i found. with new floor titles, bathroom, and kitchen! its in city life downtown- denver, colorado.
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    sound great. i will let you know when my friend and i driving though colorado. we may stop by and meet you..give us some tour guide..need a tip? ha ha ha.
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    opps! -ER!
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    ha ha. i was play around to look up on the site for apartment. i click the information about denver, colorado. whoa! they have some cheap apartment with nice view! i prefer to ask someone who know colorado by heart as you are.
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    i live with my friend for short time for school reason..anyway, she went to colorado for college. whoa, those kids are very outgoing. thats what i see in the pictures.
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    lol. Cherel- why you think people from there are mean? my friend who is mexcian and went there. pricky white people berserk her for no reasons.
  15. S


    colorado is nice state and people too?
  16. S

    Create a Travel Forum?

  17. S

    money and travel

    haha, yeah, im going to meet some new connections i dont know who from my friend who im going to traveling with. sound cool.
  18. S

    money and travel

    oh shoot! my friend who im going to traveling with. she is nearbly 26 year old but she is only 23 or 24 year old. shoot! but, i can try to get youth card. hey, what about some connections from europe? :)
  19. S

    money and travel

    :laugh2: i seconded!
  20. S

    money and travel

    Re: Re: Re: Re: money and travel yeah, i know.